Shield Maneuvers 06/28/2015 12:32 PM CDT
Still loving all the shield maneuvers that were added. Simple situations like this still make me laugh or shout out "Yes!" when they happen.

A naisirc charges at you!
With extreme effort, you block the attack with your greatshield!
You manage to angle your eonake scaled greatshield just right so that the naisirc comes perilously close to the spikes on it!

A spike on your eonake scaled greatshield jabs into the naisirc!
... 5 points of damage!
Quick blow to the head.
Swirls of vapor dance around the naisirc's head.

The naisirc slumps silently to the ground and begins to rapidly dissipate.
A naisirc seems to lose an aura of confidence.
A naisirc seems to lose some dexterity.

-- Robert

"Wyrom isn't interacting with me, I think he is AFK scripting."