Alchemy research 03/10/2017 09:25 PM CST
I've never done alchemy research before but I thought I'd give it a try with the new pre-tempering potions for enchanting out. The process wasn't too difficult to figure out and I like the idea a lot, although the mental fatigue seems to build up pretty quickly.

I researched 3 potions, but I ended up getting the same potion on my 1st and 3rd try. Is there any way to avoid that, and is that expected behavior? When you finish the research it says you commit it to memory, so I was surprised that I got it again. Do you not accumulate knowledge of these recipes so that you do not research the same recipe again?
Re: Alchemy research 03/10/2017 09:30 PM CST

>Is there any way to avoid that, and is that expected behavior? When you finish the research it says you commit it to memory, so I was surprised that I got it again. Do you not accumulate knowledge of these recipes so that you do not research the same recipe again?

no, to everything. The library system is seriously flawed.
Re: Alchemy research 03/10/2017 10:22 PM CST
If I am not mistaken, the commit to memory message means that you can then write it in a recipe book if you wanted to? I also really like the idea of the system but wished it worked a bit smoother to avoid those like you said.
Re: Alchemy research 03/11/2017 12:04 PM CST
I'm even OK with the idea that you have might stumble on a known recipe and redirect your research, but it's frustrating to spend 20-30 minutes researching just to find out it's a basic potion you already learned. Then you have to completely start over, but by this point you're probably becoming fatigued, so you start failing your research more often.

It shouldn't be easy to just go research the recipe you want, but the current system could definitely use some improvements.