Question on game coding, could it handle a 15,000 to 20,000 unused training point pool? 08/16/2014 01:15 PM CDT
I have wanted to go back and play game areas that didn't exist when Tanivar was young. If I were to use a Fixskills and strip all his skills down to zero, then save the changes, will the game code handle it as time goes by? Is the code set up to handle a 15 or 20 thousand unused training point pool number without losing it or having conniptions? I used to program back in the machine language/Basic days and am concerned that the code might let an overlarge number carry over in game memory to somewhere it didn't belong and do Bad Things.

if this would work, I plan on doing an exotic mutant training as I add in skills every so often as if he had leveled. 2x weapon training for sure. :)

Tanivar Somakre

"Healing, you want it, you shall have it."
Re: Question on game coding, could it handle a 15,000 to 20,000 unused training point pool? 08/17/2014 11:09 PM CDT
Generally speaking, this isn't something that anyone should feel a need to worry about.