SW:TOR 11/16/2011 02:23 AM CST
Any of you guys get in on the beta weekend (or prior beta testing) for SWTOR?

The game is amazing. They definitely did it up right. I played the bounty hunter class all weekend and it was a blast. It definitely cemented my decision about which class to play.

Next weekend, I think I'm gonna play a Republic character -- a Jedi guardian, maybe -- just to see what the other side of the storyline looks like as I won't be playing a light-side character ever (it goes against my lack of morals). That was one thing that struck me about the game, too -- every classes' storyline is interwoven with the other classes in pretty intricate and interesting ways. If you end up playing with a friend and joining them on their class quests, you'll learn stuff about the people you've been interacting with that you would not have otherwise known. There were lots of awesome and sometimes hilarious twists.

So did anyone else play? How'd you spend your time?

~Brian, Sepher's player. NDAs are for losers.