Path to Palestra ~ Date change and locations 02/11/2016 04:31 PM CST
After discussing it with the candidates, we have decided to move the Saturday night ceremony to Monday. I in no way want GS to come between couples on Valentine's Day weekend!! The calendar has been updated.

fella: "No baby, I cannot take you out because I am working at becoming a palestra!"

Tonight, the portal to New Ta'Faendryl will be located inside the dark elf embassy in Ta'Illistim. It is restricted to full Faendryl. It will be open for tonight and then closed until tomorrow night.

What to expect. Tonight is more small group rp with the head of the academy and a chance to show off their skill and form with a weapon.

Tomorrow will bring trials in the arena.

~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves

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