Shield training for a Paladin 05/04/2013 12:49 PM CDT
I finally found some time to play around with and test out some of the SHIELD Specializations with my paladin. I wrestled with weather or not to convert my 5 ranks in CMAN Shield Bash over to SHIELD Shield Bash to free up points for new CMANs. I finally decided to keep Shield Bash under CMAN as there was enough Shieldyy Goodness available for me to still spend all my points through cap and there wasn't anything on the CMAN side that I was more interested in. Primary goal in this build was to maximize my shield bash/shield spike and the compliment my defense.

As a side note, I really appreciate that they allowed a full month to instant train SHIELD skills as I went through three different builds before I settled on the below.

Level 60 paladin using a 6x spiked tower shield:

Shield Specialization training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Tower Shield Focus tfocus 5 (took this primarily for the +10 bonus to my Shield Bash but like this one overall).
Prop Up prop 2 (One of the bonus skills I took once I opted out of Shield Strike. It can take a long time to stand up in plate!)
Shield Forward forward 1
Shield Spike Focus spikefocus 2 (eliminates the -10 penalty for my spike, with tfocus a net bonus of +20 vs. my old Shield Bash modifier!)
Shield Spike Mastery spikemastery 2 (This is worth the points for fun factor alone.)
Block the Elements eblock 1 (Took a rank to see how often this actually comes into play.)
Protective Wall pwall 2 (I almost always hunt with a partner so took this for my partners benefit as well as my own).
Phalanx phalanx 1 (For 2 points, I figured I may as well toss it into the mix in case I am involved in any larger group actions).

Available Shield Training Points: 4

Your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Shield Bash sbash 5
Disarm Weapon disarm 1
Feint feint 2
Specialization I wspec1 1
Surge of Strength surge 1

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 1

I field tested Shield Strike but wasn't really that impressed. It adds a bit more damage to your attack without any additional roundtime but I primarily look for my Shield Bash to stun and knock down my opponent, neither of which I was seeing regularly with the Shield Strike's minor shield bash. Likewise, along the same lines of reasoning, I wasn't that keen on investing even more into Shield Strike Mastery.

I took 1 rank of Block the Elements to see how often this actually comes into play over time. Anyone happen to know if this works against Fire Mage death beams?

I am curious what other paladins have settled on for their Shield Specializations.

Shield Spike Mastery even works against critters that can't be Shield Bashed!

A wind wraith claws at you!
In the nick of time, you interpose your eonake scaled greatshield between yourself and the attack!
You manage to angle your eonake scaled greatshield just right so that the wind wraith comes perilously close to the spikes on it!

A spike on your eonake scaled greatshield jabs into the wind wraith!
... 40 points of damage!
A strong blow cleaves the right wrist!
The hand dangles, spinning slowly, and then snaps back in place!

-- Robert
Re: Shield training for a Paladin 05/05/2013 12:06 AM CDT
I came to the same conclusion as you did about Shield Strike. When it worked on certain mobs it worked well. Who would not want a free swing on something wrapped in a 5 sec RT shield maneuver? The problem I had was it was only effective against one mob out of the 4 I hunt. I ditched that and went with Charge instead. It has a longer RT but is more effective and works on more mobs.

I totally dropped cman bash and picked up Movement and Focus. Feint seems to work on everything.

Level 78, fully doubled in shield use and singled in CM.

Nouvard, your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Movement cmovement 2
Combat Focus focus 2
Feint feint 3
Specialization I wspec1 4
Surge of Strength surge 3

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 1

Nouvard, your Shield Specialization training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Medium Shield Focus mfocus 5
Shield Bash bash 2
Shield Charge charge 5
Shield Forward forward 3
Block the Elements eblock 3
Phalanx phalanx 4

Available Shield Training Points: 2

Chad, player of a few