Looking for a copy of the Wizard Macro guide 03/26/2015 08:24 PM CDT


After solving my problem with the wizard help file I was quite miffed to find that the macro guide was stripped from the file. There are more commands than \r \? theres also @ and the ability to use variables and etc.... I wonder why Simu removed the info? I only remembered about the @ from viewing the very brief macro guide in stormfront. Since I dislike stormfront I don't know if some of the macro commands are not available.

If anyone has a copy of the macrohelp text file could you cut n paste it here, or on the WikI, or Player's corner please?
Re: Looking for a copy of the Wizard Macro guide 03/26/2015 09:24 PM CDT
Defining and Using Macro Keys
A macro is simply a string of text that gets output when you press only one key. For example, if you set the Alt-A macro to be "attack ", and then pressed Alt-A, the string "attack " would be placed in the input command area. However, there are some "special" tokens that you can use within these macro definitions to make them much more powerful. In this section, we will cover these special tokens, as well as write some macros that you may want to use in your own setup.

The Wizard allows many macros to be defined. To attach a macro string to a key, you click your mouse on the "Configuration" menu, and then choose "Macro Keys". This will present you with a dialog box which contains a tab for "Alt Keys", "Ctrl Keys", and "Fkeys". Note that on the "Fkeys" macros, you can have 10 sets of these, each with a unique name. You can quickly toggle between the different Fkey macro sets by pressing the ALT key plus a number 1 through 0 (ten). The Wizard will always display the name of the active Fkey set in its window title bar.

The special tokens you can use when creating macros are:

Press Enter ( \r )
The first token you can use is '\r', which tells the macro processor to "hit the enter key". For example, this macro would prepare you to go off to battle:
get sword from my sheath\rrem my shield\r
This macro would output
get sword from my sheath
<press the Enter key>
rem my shield
<press the Enter key>

Cursor Placement ( @ )
When you put the '@' character in a macro, it tells the macro processor to "put the cursor right here". For example, if you set up a macro like this to greet people:
whisper @ 'Hi! Nice to meet you!
the processor would
(a) place the text "whisper 'Hi! Nice to meet you!" in the input line area, and then
(b) position the cursor in between the words "whisper" and "'Hi! ". Then you would just key in the name and press the <Enter> key.

Prompt Me ( \? )
If you place any '\?' tokens in your macro, the macro processor will prompt you for a string to replace the \?'s with. For example, here is a macro I define as the Alt-G key (for 'G'et):
Get \?\rput \? in my backpack\r
When you hit the Alt-G key now, the program will prompt you for a string (let's say you key in "gem"), replace all occurrences of '\?' with "gem" and then output:
get gem <press Enter>
put gem in my backpack <press Enter>

Pause ( \p )
Placing a '\p' token in a macro will pause for 1 second. For example:
attack troll\r\p\p\pstance defensive\r
attack troll <press Enter>
<pause 3 seconds>
stance defensive <press Enter>

Last Attacked ( \a )
This token will be replaced by the character last name

Short-cut keys:
Setting a macro key to one of the following strings will execute the following actions:
{magic} pops up the Magic Menu when you press that key.

{stance} pops up the Stance menu

{injuries} toggles the injury display between wounds/scars

{wounds} same as {injuries}

{cut} Since the Wizard totally takes over the keyboard

{copy} from Windows, these options allow you to assign

{paste} normal cut/copy/paste/clear actions for the

{clear} Windows clipboard.

{drag} shortcut to choosing "Drag/Drag Someone.." from the menu bar.

{rest}<action> puts you into "resting" mode. This is handy for when you have to step away from the computer for a while, but you don't want to be logged off. The Wizard will output an "experience" command every two minutes, followed by the action you have specified. For example:
{rest}act snores softly.
Would do the following every two minutes:
exper <press enter>
act snores softly.

{script} shortcut to choosing "Scripts/Execute a Script" from the menu bar.

{record} shortcut to choosing "Scripts/Record a Script" from the menu bar.

{=script.wiz} this shortcut will execute the script specified. For example, if you have a script named "prep.wiz" in your scripts directory that preps and casts all of your normal pre-hunting defensive spells, you could fire that off from a keypress by setting the key macro string to:
{=prep} (or {=prep.wiz})

From the file - you might want to click INDEX on your help browser menu to see if you can find this article there - I don't believe it was ever linked to the first page.

Re: Looking for a copy of the Wizard Macro guide 03/26/2015 10:02 PM CDT

Thanks Doug! I owe ya one. Right now I'm calling scripts from macro keys on my F keys, but I am going to change over to macros and just use macros with incant. As a basic subscriber I couldn't run macros that go to offence stance, prep xxx, cast at xxx, stance deff, loot because I only have the one type ahead.

I also want to use macros for using tone and say verbs possibly. Its been two computers ago since I played and I had all my stuff setup pretty nifty with scripts, macros, highlights, sounds and etc... It takes a long to to get it all up again.
Re: Looking for a copy of the Wizard Macro guide 03/26/2015 11:09 PM CDT
>>It takes a long to to get it all up again.

Yes, it does! That kind of music requires a lot of orchestration.

One feature that I didn't see in the documentation.


Clears whatever was in the command line buffer before putting the rest of the macro into play. Useful for those times when you get involved in typing, but need to fire a macro really quick. And since it affects local, but doesn't transit the FE to the network, it's a free command.

\xstance off\r\incant 906\r\p\stance def\r <<-- personal favorite (the slash p is free, too, and gives one second delay to let the type ahead clear out)

Re: Looking for a copy of the Wizard Macro guide 03/27/2015 04:22 PM CDT
Very handy indeed, I'm in hopes of seeing the extra type ahead available in the Simu Coins store. Its amazing what type ahead lines do for latency problems. I'd forgotten about the \p and didn't know about the \x Keith Ledbetter who created the Wizard to be used in GS as well as other games was asked to not make the scripting and macros for the GS wizard too robust to keep the bots to a minimum. Many of the early GMs were great scriptures as players, but I'm sure Simu didn't hire the exploiters.

Somewhere or other there was even better documentation for scripting and macros and I'm thinking there may be a couple of other commands that aren't in the current documentation. It may have been on AOL BBS or something. I think Keith did some customer support somewhere... I like the wizard much better than StormFront and I like my stuff to be saved on my PC and not on their server. Probably built in tools to find bots and etc.. built into stormfront, who can tel?

Although I'm playing a lot, but I have my noggin involved with a charity I started. After awhile I'll learn lich scripting and see if I can think of some useful scripts to try and created.
Re: Looking for a copy of the Wizard Macro guide 03/27/2015 06:45 PM CDT
Yep, Keith was / is the man. I had the pleasure of 'working with' (that is to say, he coded, and I consumed) Keith in the early 90's. And like you, I prefer the Wizard to all other front ends available. I'm actually thinking about looking at Profanity (a Ruby based front end from Tillmen), and even considering revisiting ArchLich (another Ruby front end, but hasn't been touched since 2006, I think). It'd be great to update a front end to perform like the Wizard but carry the object highlighting benefits of Stormfront (for those pesky verb menus). With Lich's ability to read the XML, it should be a lot more straightforward than it was previously.

In case you didn't know, Stormfront can be set to save all scripts / macros / variables locally, as well. In fact, there's a recorded defect that if your script / macro library is too large and saved on the server, Stormfront can crash - so it's recommended to put them locally.

As to the current staff and bots / scripters, I think they have other tools available and I doubt sincerely that seeing who is loading what scripts up in the SFE environment is among their primary methods. Time differentials in command entry, frequency of misspellings, session duration, noted interactions - these would be far better indicators than whether or not the player chose to put their script library on the server.

Re: Looking for a copy of the Wizard Macro guide 03/28/2015 02:18 AM CDT
Yes, but I'm an old dog and don't want to learn new tricks as far as front ends go. The scripts and narost from lich make the game much more fun and are better improvements than clicking on the items thats the big thing with stormfront. Since so many people still like the wizard they should have continued to support it. Some of the updates like fixing the spell lists and such aren't that big of deal time wise. IMHO they need to put some of the high dollar onsite people back to doing coding for game content for their long running games that are paying the bills. A lot of money that came into Simu's accounts from the text based games was squandered on HJ and that recent Dragon game. Look at the kickstarter campaign for DoE pretty dismal interest in investing even though there was already a lot of work done.

Gemstone and Dragon Realms are proven products that have lasted a long long time. Since I have been back the last 6 weeks I have noticed that theres been a lot of positive stuff going on. The FTP accounts seem to have bumped the population up and there seems to be a lot more going on in events than it was 7-8 years ago. Got the ship wandering from town to town, Duskruin going on, and the Pirate Ship next month, and thats along with some story lines.

Just an elf about town...