When Your Spells Don't Obey (116) 01/07/2013 12:54 AM CST
I am Arianiss.. the one doing the casting.. the one with the disobedient 116..


>prep 116
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Locate Person spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast arianiss
You gesture.
Your vision begins to become murky and clouded. You have a sensation of rapidly passing distance. Eventually your sight begins to clear and a vision fills your mind...

[Ghorsa Isle, Under The Bridge]
It is cool and dark under the bridge, and the rushing river drowns out the sounds of the city above. Something twitches in the darkness, where the bare earth meets the stone. Off to one side, a small group of grimy, shabbily-dressed dwarves sits in a circle, mumbling quietly at one another. You also see a red-necked collared toucan, the blue Merikas disk, a sundried tomato and garlic loaf, a bundle of troll knuckles, a turquoise stone, an engraved haon strongbox, a badly damaged mithril coffer, a battered brass box, an enruned modwir box, some pothinir grass, some sovyn clove, some aloeas stem, some acantha leaf, a wooden chameleon talisman, a bundle of troll knuckles, a troll knuckle, a bundle of troll knuckles, a bundle of troll knuckles, a bundle of troll knuckles, a bundle of troll knuckles, a troll knuckle, a bundle of troll skins, a bundle of troll skins, a bundle of troll skins, a bundle of troll skins, a bundle of troll skins, a bundle of troll skins, a bundle of troll skins, a miner's pack, a pale white viper skin sack, an amber Phoen statue, a bundle of triton hides, a plain wooden coffer, a dented steel chest, a bundle of siren lizard skins, a bundle of troll skins, a bundle of siren lizard skins, a multicolored siren lizard skin, some spiked mithril leg greaves and a black iron cauldron.
Also here: Leahril, Lord Bartrand, Saeyan, Jenan, Jeriah, Merikas, Raggler who is sitting
Obvious paths: up
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Small pieces of volcanic ash and soot drift slowly down from the sky.

>'Well now.. that was most certainly unexpected
You feel at full magical power again.
You say, "Well now.. that was most certainly unexpected."
You ponder.
Usage: TARGET {player|creature}

You do not have a target.


Also, for reference.. here's a thread dealing with CAST AT and 225 (CAST WITH explained by Dgry a few posts later).

Re: When Your Spells Don't Obey (116) 01/07/2013 02:59 AM CST
I can't speak to CAST (self), but just CAST with nothing else works to backtrace a locate, if you have the lore for it. I'm not sure if that's what you were trying to do.


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AIM: Lady Nilandia
Re: When Your Spells Don't Obey (116) 01/07/2013 03:40 AM CST
I think that's what happened.

There was an incoming locate prior to mine.

Mystery solved!