Weirdness when incanting 404 04/09/2016 01:03 PM CDT
Anyone have any ideas as to the cause of this?

I was openining a few boxes after a hunt and suddenly my incant 404 cast was failing...

>incant 404
A shroud of shadow falls across your vision, but quickly clears as you prepare Disarm Enhancement...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your spell misfires.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

After a couple failed casts I tried >prep 404 followed by >cast on <myself> which worked fine.

Afterwards I was once again able to successfully incant 404. Note: I had also used incant 404 successfully a few minutes prior to having this issue.

incant 404
A shroud of shadow falls across your vision, but quickly clears as you prepare Disarm Enhancement...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You become calm and focused.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

-- Robert

Raggler squeakily says, "Muffins are also known to be one of the most healthiest foods in the world."

Raggler squeakily says, "It's a fact."
Re: Weirdness when incanting 404 04/09/2016 01:56 PM CDT
It looks like the kind of thing that'll happen with 104/105 if someone else with more Spiritual Lore, Blessing casts the spell on you.

Considering there is now Water Lore for 404, I'd guess that's the issue. Unless someone else cast it at you (forget if the lore benefit works when cast at someone else), or you're migrating skills and the timing was very perfect for such a thing, it sounds essentially like a bug, but I'd definitely think it's the lore benefit doing something weird.

The deathbot will come back eventually.

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: Weirdness when incanting 404 04/09/2016 03:21 PM CDT
Zero water lore. No skill migrations. I thought it was just me and the person I was opening boxes for in the room (they are a ranger so can't cast that spell). Maybe someone cast 404 at me from the shadows? I'll pull the logs and confirm that.

-- Robert

Raggler squeakily says, "Muffins are also known to be one of the most healthiest foods in the world."

Raggler squeakily says, "It's a fact."
Re: Weirdness when incanting 404 04/09/2016 03:35 PM CDT
Okay. Going back through my logs I see that I was actually typing '>incant 404A' when I was getting the failure message.

Seems like the parser is a bit wonky in how it handles spell numbers with bonus characters added. I would expect it to simply say it doesn't recognize my spell '404A' instead of casting the spell 404, taking mana, but then failing in the process.

-- Robert

Raggler squeakily says, "Muffins are also known to be one of the most healthiest foods in the world."

Raggler squeakily says, "It's a fact."
Re: Weirdness when incanting 404 04/09/2016 03:36 PM CDT
If only we had an edit button... I was typing 'incant 404A' not '>incant 404A'.

-- Robert

Raggler squeakily says, "Muffins are also known to be one of the most healthiest foods in the world."

Raggler squeakily says, "It's a fact."
Re: Weirdness when incanting 404 04/10/2016 08:47 AM CDT
If anyone was going to look at the spell parser, personally if I already had a spell prepared (say, invoked off a scroll) and I try to cast another one, I wouldn't get stunned for like 3 rounds. No big deal but the whole prep/cast scenario is pretty 90s.

This is most prone to happen if I'm running ;waggle on someone else while fishing for scrolls to spell myself up with. Waggle is waiting for mana, I cast some scroll spells, and somewhere in there I get stunned or lose an invoke off a scroll.

Definitely my mistake, and I don't really have a problem with how it is set up. I don't think the game is really gaining that much from stunning me and losing a spell rather than just being like "Hi idiot, you can't do that now" and failing.

The deathbot will come back eventually.

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: Weirdness when incanting 404 04/10/2016 10:35 AM CDT
And so we slip further from consequence into convenience.

Sad days. On a side note, I'm going to forever more refer to this disease as Sequinto Veni (from consequence into convenience). Thank you, Daid, for having a hand in its creation! :)
