Spell Active - now with more monsterbold! 07/09/2016 02:48 PM CDT
Hi everybody,

There is a new option under the SPELL verb: SPELL SORT. Turning this flag on will mark Cooldowns/Recovery Periods/Other misc debuff type things as Debuffs, will which sort them to the bottom of the output, and monsterbold them.

An example with it on:

>spell active

You currently have the following active spells:
Striking Asp Stance ................ 3:59:58
Elemental Defense I ................ 1:34:52
Elemental Defense II ............... 1:34:52
Elemental Defense III .............. 1:34:52
Elemental Targeting ................ 1:34:52
Elemental Barrier .................. 1:34:52
Fortitude Song ..................... 0:10:06
Song of Luck ....................... 0:10:06
Kai's Triumph Song ................. 0:10:06
Song of Valor ...................... 0:10:06
Song of Mirrors .................... 0:10:06
Striking Asp Recovery .............. 0:00:58

And with it off, for comparison:

>spell sort off
Your spell sorting setting is now OFF.
>spell active

You currently have the following active spells:
Striking Asp Stance ................ 3:59:50
Striking Asp Recovery .............. 0:00:50
Elemental Defense I ................ 1:34:44
Elemental Defense II ............... 1:34:44
Elemental Defense III .............. 1:34:44
Elemental Targeting ................ 1:34:44
Elemental Barrier .................. 1:34:44
Fortitude Song ..................... 0:09:58
Song of Luck ....................... 0:09:58
Kai's Triumph Song ................. 0:09:58
Song of Valor ...................... 0:09:58
Song of Mirrors .................... 0:09:58


This message was originally posted in Magic Spells/Systems, Magic Systems. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
