HSN: ELR - Unlock (407) Updated! 08/21/2015 11:39 AM CDT
Hi everybody!

Gamemaster Konacon here to talk to YOU about the latest and greatest addition to popping boxes! All you've gotta do to get started is get 1, that's right I said just ONE, rank in Elemental Lore, Water to get started!

Now I can hear you saying, "But Konacon, what could you -possibly- have to offer me that would make me want to spend my hard earned training points on ranks in water lore?"

Well. You never let me finish! On a seed 1 modifier (That's 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, and then more numbers. I could go higher but I don't want to and you can't make me!) every UNsuccessful cast of 407 will now corrode the lock on that box that has been sitting in your inventory closed for the past 4 years reducing its difficulty UP to 10% of the total lock's difficulty! Confused? Don't be! I HAZ EXAMPLS

Let's say you had some lock with a 500 difficulty, and you're sitting on 55 ranks of water lore (Why don't you have more you bum?!). Each unsuccessful cast would cause the lock's difficulty to reduce by 10 points all the way down to 450! So... What are you waiting for? Head to your nearest trainer and get some more ranks in water lore today!

Questions? Comments? Endless praise? Feel free to send them all my way!

~ Konacon

This message was originally posted in Magic Spells/Systems, Minor Elemental Circle. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
