Psst.. 11/13/2005 11:18 PM CST
Hey ladies!

Any of the old Amazonian guard up for another get together? Nothing fancy, just like to see you guys more than once a year, you know!?

Figure we can hash out a time and date if there's anyone still around and interested. Good time to explore the tomb if you haven't gone to see it yet. I might even be able to bring refreshments.

If you weren't part of the Amazon Tribe, don't be shy either. Always glad to meet Leya followers, be you new or old.


- Sylanae

"This isn't a democracy, its a cheerocracy."

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Re: Psst.. 11/14/2005 05:18 PM CST
Does that mean I get to be towel boy again? :>

Some elf

The best leaders inspire by example. When that's not an option, brute intimidation works pretty well, too."