A black/white/golden silk bag 09/14/2010 06:19 PM CDT
They were sold on that first Foehn's Promise a long time ago, the one with the $75 tickets. Fisdan had the white one, Reife has/had the golden one, and I had the black one. The last person I know of that had the black one was Tsin, and I'm pretty sure he sold it to someone.

These were the auto-hide/lint bags. Not mechanically useful in a combat sense, but a really fun item regardless.

Anyone know where any of these bags are, if any are even around still? I wouldn't mind getting mine or one of the others back. It's the only item I regret ever selling, and as a result I find myself writing bad poetry and cutting myself while wearing skinny pants and ridiculous amounts of dark eyeliner when I think about it. :(

~ Methais