Bandits and traps 04/09/2012 12:32 AM CDT
Looking for advice on defending against bandits as a pure-casting cleric. I'm guessing:

:: Crit padding as much as possible to protect against the ambushers
:: Spell tank
:: Hunt with a partner as often as possible

Is there anything specific I can train in to offset the traps and ambushers? These are the two areas that tend to smear me into a fine paste.

- Kevin
Re: Bandits and traps 04/09/2012 02:53 AM CDT
Perception and survival will help you spot the traps, also having 402 on you would help too, so maybe find a high level elementalist to stack it on you.

Everything you said would also help.

Can't really think of anything else.
Re: Bandits and traps 04/09/2012 08:26 AM CDT
PF and MoC are important here, as well, I'd say.

And CM.

Recognizing the pure cleric is likely to be light here, don't stint! Enhancives, even a few ranks trained at odd times.

PF should pretty much be 1x.

And good to see you, Kevin.

Re: Bandits and traps 04/09/2012 09:25 AM CDT
Thank you Doug, great to see you as well brother!
And thank you to everyone in general!

I looked at the Nymph's training plan and in general, the idea of hunting bandits isn't going to work in the immediate future. I'm sacrificing a ton of things so she can have 130 at 30 and 225 at 25 (personal reasons, never had them, always wanted them).

Current plan-
:: Hunt until 35
:: Master Sunfist
:: Stock up on enhancives (I suddenly have a reason to care about them, never really have before)
:: Ditto alchemy bits and scrolls

:: I keep her 1x in Physical for stamina already
:: 1x in Perception (reasonably cheap)
:: 1x Survival (good for the AG anyway)

And then-
:: Resume bandit tests

- Kevin, woo!
Re: Bandits and traps 04/09/2012 09:51 PM CDT
Seems solid, Kevin.

Only one question -- you're going to master Sunfist prior to 35 trainings, right? If at all possible, I'd recommend mastering before 20 to 25, honestly. Things get pretty wooly as the higher order spells become available.

Re: Bandits and traps 04/10/2012 02:39 AM CDT
>If at all possible, I'd recommend mastering before 20 to 25, honestly.

Too late, love. I somehow fooled the system into getting her to 26. In general, though, yeah I should've done that

- Kevin is bad at things.
Re: Bandits and traps 04/10/2012 06:14 AM CDT
Have you made the acquaintance of skelly ice trolls yet? Its really not that difficult to advance in GoS at level 26 when you can throw fireballs around in a trench.
Re: Bandits and traps 04/10/2012 09:44 AM CDT
>Have you made the acquaintance of skelly ice trolls yet? Its really not that difficult to advance in GoS at level 26 when you can throw fireballs around in a trench.

...I have not. The Nymph isn't in fireball-throwing range yet (ages ago apparently I killed off her Spell Aim, and now I want it back for a variety of reasons). But yes. Those sound delightful. For the first time in my on-again-off-again decade-long career of Gemstone, I'm playing on a desktop with a keyboard number pad. My.. hunting.. ability.. oh god...

>thousand yard stare

... has improved tremendously, so I may be able to handle them without fire for the time being.

- Kevin is ridiculously terrible at this game.
Re: Bandits and traps 04/10/2012 10:57 AM CDT
I wouldn't particularly recommend them in that case.

Triple crits on every splash in a swarm is one thing. Single crits on one at a time while being swarmed is asking for a trip to the miracle worker.

1x SA might well be enough. They are rather heat sensitive.
Re: Bandits and traps 04/10/2012 05:34 PM CDT
>1x SA might well be enough. They are rather heat sensitive.

It isn't enough to hit them. My dex is low due to changing my mind about what I wanted Nixxi to be when she grew up (oh god the pain), but the area is so rich with creatures she'll have plenty of time there once she fixes this pesky "low spell aim" problem

- Kevin hates you all.