HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 12:08 AM CDT
Approximately nine months ago, Krakiipedia was officially brought under the umbrella of Play.net websites and it would be kind to say the transition was only a little rocky. A number of problems popped up, such as countless broken links, and not to mention, navigating the wiki with a finicky search bar. In that time period, six individuals stepped up in various ways to contribute to the GemStone Wiki (and still continue to contribute) to help make it the gosh darn finest GemStone wiki it can be. In recognition of their hard work to help bring the source of our GemStone world's knowledge, history and culture, into better shape without any expected compensation, we have decided to grant them the choice of one of two unique postname titles to signify that contribution: Scribe of Elanthia or Chronicler of Elanthia.

In no particular order:

Allereli, Chronicler of Elanthia
Kaldonis, Chronicler of Elanthia
Rup, Chronicler of Elanthia
Dionket, Yet to Choose of Elanthia
Xorus, Scribe of Elanthia
Whirlin, Chronicler of Elanthia

Thank you for your hard work!

GM Scribes
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 12:13 AM CDT
As a player and staff member, I definitely appreciate the work they do!

GameMaster Estild
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 12:20 AM CDT
Great job, guys.
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 02:43 AM CDT
Indeed. All the constant updates are a lot of work, and greatly appreciated. Really nice to see that recognized.

With great effort you combine the value of your two bloodscrip, leaving you with a single parchment bloodscrip valued at 2112.
You think to yourself, "Another toy that helped destroy the elder race of man..."
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 03:00 AM CDT
Thanks for all the hard work and congratulations on the recognition. Go there almost daily.

Just an elf about town...
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 05:03 AM CDT

Awesome work all, without a doubt an improvement that was a much needed.

Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 05:52 AM CDT
Hear hear! I have the wiki open in a tab at all times. Thanks guys!

Chad, player of a few
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 06:16 AM CDT
Definitely a big thank you from me!

~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, World Development
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 09:13 AM CDT
Whirlin should write a guide to writing guides.

~ Methais
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 10:27 AM CDT
Similarly as lists with wiki editing, I'm sure it can't be complete, but in no particular order, I'd like to thank Wyrom, Solomon, Keios, and Scribes for different aspects of moving this project along and making the port very successful. (As well as some local staff members.) It's true there were some hitches, but it wasn't a very small project and it's come along very nicely.

Check out who's dying any time! https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 02:35 PM CDT

When are they going to track down Kvothe?
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/11/2015 03:42 PM CDT

>When are they going to track down Kvothe?

that's why I picked Chronicler :D
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/12/2015 02:17 AM CDT
I was really torn on that choice, "The Chronicler" sounds like a bad shut-yo-mouth! But my character has said nasty things IC about chroniclers, and it's the closest I'll ever see to "Scribe of Biblia", and I figured everyone else was going to go the other way with it...

Anyway. Thank you! I will go through a new phase of wiki expansion now...

- Xorus' player
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/12/2015 06:05 AM CDT
>I was really torn on that choice

Until the OP walks around with a post-name title with my user handle in it...

There's also this room in the Citadel, hehehe:

[Hall of Records]
Scribes once worked furiously at these four desks, detailing all of the actions taken by the Council and its servants. The shelves are crammed from floor to ceiling with papers and scrolls: census records, imports, exports, treaties, council meetings, and military actions.

Check out who's dying any time! https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/13/2015 12:58 PM CDT
Scribes is kinda messy. I guess he got a new desk when the old got too cluttered.

SGM Sleken
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/13/2015 03:12 PM CDT
Deep thank yous for those working the wiki with love. It's a resource long awaited and much anticipated and now a welcome addition to my daily web page history.
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/13/2015 03:41 PM CDT
I'm like a hermit crab. Once a desk gets cluttered, I simply move to a bigger desk. I'm on the 24th now.

GM Scribes
Re: HSN: Scribes and Chroniclers of Elanthia (A Thank You!) 09/14/2015 06:19 AM CDT
<<Until the OP walks around with a post-name title with my user handle in it...>>

You see GameMaster Scribes the Chronicler of DAID County.
He appears to be recounting votes.