New Verb: SERVICE 03/18/2012 10:46 PM CDT
Hi everybody, GM Konacon here to introduce you to the all new SERVICE verb!

Ever found yourself standing around town, bleeding profusely from your abdomen and then realize you have no idea where all those crazy empaths are hanging out these days? Or maybe you've been dragging a dead body around for what seems like hours but you just can't seem to find a cleric? How about getting your lockboxes picked by a REAL locksmith once in a while?

The handy-dandy new SERVICE verb can help you out with all this and more! Everything you've ever wanted! Just type SERVICE and be amazed as the world brightens and a rainbow appears to follow you around everywhere you go!

SERVICE even comes with two options: TOGGLE and SHOW! SERVICE TOGGLE lets you tell other friendly, or not-so-friendly, players, "Hey! I'm here and I want to help YOU out for a nominal fee!" SERVICE SHOW lets you see all those lovely people nearby that want to help you! Not sure what services you might be able to say you're available for? Just check SERVICE LIST!

So what are you waiting for? Type SERVICE today!

Disclaimer: Rainbows may not actually appear when typing SERVICE.

Gamemaster Konacon
Squares Team

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