Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 02:37 PM CDT

Okay, so, I found Gemstone not but a couple of days ago, and I'm falling in love. Although, a few basic mechanics allude me: interacting with NPCs and initiating quests. Also, I seem to be getting lost in some places. Are there any functions that I'm just completely missing,(ie. map) or am I the only one encountering these issues?
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 03:27 PM CDT
If you are using stormfront you can right click a npc and get a list of questions that npc will answer. As for maps you can get those from which is the official game wiki. Also for any questions ask us mentors at silverwood manor. You can type DIR SILVER inside town for directions. Ring the doorbell and one of us will answer the door.

Pups player
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 03:33 PM CDT
Be sure to check out the wiki.

Many of us (though not all)use a third party software.

Gemstone has a bit of learning curve. But I've been playing it off and on since 1992. It has great complexity.
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 04:19 PM CDT
Welcome to Elanthia!

I'm still learning things about GS after 20 months. I quite agree, the learning curve is stiff.

Some things that helped me:

1. On Windows, use StormFront, not that thing that it defaults to when you enter from the web. You actually have to go hunting how to get to SF. :( If you have not found it yet, let us know, and we'll help you with that web site log on for it.

(StormFront gives you clickable underlined text that work out really well for helping you figure out what you CAN do with an object. And a bunch of other stuff.)

If you're not using Windows, there's a new wiki page for players with Macs (welcome to my world last week), start with this post:

2. Use Lich right on top of StormFront. Lich is a third-party program that overlays the SF front end with a powerful scripting interface that you can use, ignore, or create scripts with. But this is where the maps are, and all manner of quality of user-interface solutions.

3. Mentors are awesome. They will help you with so many things as you need it. Ring the bell at Silverwood Manor.

4. There are guides at the gswiki for most professions. These are helpful, just trust them. I still don't understand what half of the mechanics in the game actually mean, and it all still works out! :)

5. When someone calls out for mass spells over lich chat or the ESP amulet (amu-net, they call it) go, get spells. If you are in the Landing, Mister Dreaven does ALL the buffs and the mass spells every few hours. It's quite the thing to behold THAT much screen scroll for a higher cause!

6. Find someone in your profession that is older and wiser than you and willing to help you through the delicate parts of understanding that profession. I have 2 bard mentors (no, not from the Mentor society...) that have saved me from SO much discouragement over the months.

7. Find people your own level and hunt with them. Hunting buddies make the CHORES of hunting, advancing, and those Adventure Guild bounties much easier, and lots more fun.

8. Make fast friends with a bard. :)

9. When you get lich working, ;tune TownCrier for all the news and tips we can find, whether you are new to GS or not. (I might be a little biased about that...)

10. Ask lots of questions. I did, and found the community ever so helpful.

WELCOME to GemStone!! :)
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 04:37 PM CDT
Welcome to Elanthia!

~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, World Development
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 05:31 PM CDT

What Luxelle said ...

... and welcome to Gemstone.

The only thing I might offer an additional thought to is ... instead of
"8. Make fast friends with a bard. :)", try being a bard.
That way lots of folks who want to be friend will find you.

Just about any of us who have been here a while will try to help, once we figure out that the player behind the character is new to the game too.

And, I think the reason Luxelle says 'make friends with a bard' is that we all are far more capable when grouped with a bard.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 07:40 PM CDT
Welcome to Elanthia!

Forums Manager
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/01/2016 07:56 PM CDT

Great advice here! If you have very basic knowledge of computers, I'd HIGHLY recommend Lich.
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/02/2016 12:10 AM CDT
One of the first things I did was look for a program that I could use that wasn't as aweful as the Browser portal that I was defaulted. I've also looked into Lich, but cannot get it to execute properly, any help regaurding this would be greatly appreciated.

Interacting with other players: my experience so far, in regards to my interactions, have been very positive. I've died t, bothwo times, at least one of those times, I was met with the equivalent of a warm embrace by other players. Is there any easy way to pick up all of the verbs and tones used? So far I've had a rather frustrating time: wanting to interact expressively, but had the chances slip past due to my inexperience with the prompts and syntax. I've met plenty of warmhearted individuals who are more than willing to take my hand and show me the way, but I lack the familiarity with thev system/format over which this warmheartedness is communicated.

I'd love to meed you guys in game. :)
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/02/2016 12:36 AM CDT

Which city are you in? Luxie lives in Ta'Illistim, so Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim are within range. We can very likely find you a suitable few characters to offer assistance in any city you can name, though!

It is not easy being a young bard. And Bard help is the ONLY kind of help I can offer. I'm pretty sure that other players I've handed off friends who need help that are Sorcerers, Rogues, Warriors, Wizards, Empaths, and Rangers ... are amused by my lack of help to the new players!

Expressive speaking is a learned thing, I fear. I have yet to learn it and I stand in awe of those whose fingertips the commands roll off of for repeating, whispering aloud, lamenting, emphasizing, etc!

My best suggestion for RolePlay interactions is to not hurry. It will seem like the pace of everything is so fast. Slow it down on your side will necessarily slow it down for everything around you, too. :)

If you want to play with the random symbols that is speech verbiage look at the help files by entering:

speech verbiage list

It's worth getting Lich running. There's an entire forum where people help with it that might be faster than the messages here.

Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/02/2016 12:52 AM CDT

>Expressive speaking is a learned thing, I fear. I have yet to learn it and I stand in awe of those whose fingertips the commands roll off of for repeating, whispering aloud, lamenting, emphasizing, etc!

it is very difficult to master. I recommend going somewhere private like a table to practice. You can always ask someone oocly via whisper ooc (message) to go with you to be a target.

this page has everything in one place:
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/02/2016 01:10 AM CDT
Thanks so much for the link Allereli I was looking for my post because I realized I'd forgotten to link up to the wiki!!


P.S. I made a couple miniscule little scripts that invoke the correct random punctuations in the right order for a couple of the verbiage things. When I get used to using those, I will select more candidates! After almost 2 years, I think this is the only way I'll really be able to be effective at it.
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/02/2016 02:02 AM CDT
Welcome to Elanthia, Alloth! I'm so happy to hear that your initial experiences have been positive. As Pup mentioned, please don't hesitate to ring the doorbell at Silverwood Manor anytime if you have any questions: the Mentors are always more than happy to help. It might also be possible to become a protege; I'll take a look next time we're in game together as I'm more than happy to go through speech with you for starters!


>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/02/2016 05:32 PM CDT
Google search for maps. I have all of Tsoran's old maps; they are still available on the web even though he took down his website. Newer areas that have opened up have been mapped by other folks. Definitely download them.

I don't use Lich myself; I have most routes to major areas memorized, and use the maps when I get there for minor route adjustments.

There are a couple of professional guilds worth joining, if you are one of those groups. Warrior and Rogue have the most fleshed put skills, although sorcerers have some useful things as well.

Warrior is probably the easiest profession to learn initially; get some heavy armor and a big stick and whack things till they die. Other professions can get a bit more complicated. There's a HUGE number of spells, combat maneuvers, guild skills and such to choose from. When you start playing a profession, go to the forums for advice from your peers on training, tactics, etc.

Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/03/2016 02:52 AM CDT
I had to create another character, my last one was stuck crawling everywhere on the exterior of town, and I couldn't figure out what was going on.

My new guy's name is Kyellor, and he resides in Ta'Vaalor, and as I said, I'd be ecstatic to be joined by one of you on my adventures.
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/03/2016 08:35 AM CDT

>I had to create another character, my last one was stuck crawling everywhere on the exterior of town, and I couldn't figure out what was going on.

no one's ever truly stuck in GS. If you're wearing a crystal amulet, rub it and THINK (message) for help, or ASSIST to talk to a gamehost if one is online (use WHO or STAT to see if one is). If no one is visibly on duty and you really like the character REPORT and GMs in the background will see it.

YELL (message) will be heard in adjoining rooms.
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/04/2016 04:41 AM CDT

>>I had to create another character, my last one was stuck crawling everywhere on the exterior of town, and I couldn't figure out what was going on.

carry too many coins?


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/04/2016 05:23 AM CDT
>>I had to create another character, my last one was stuck crawling everywhere on the exterior of town, and I couldn't figure out what was going on.

This feature is used primarily to choose a default movement style, which will be used in normal travel situations.

Autosneak allows you to automatically attempt to sneak from place to place while hidden. If set, this will override any default movement settings, where applicable.

Movement styles currently available to you are:

Current movement style: moving normally.
Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/07/2016 12:51 PM CDT

Penstar says in a melodic voice, "Have you ever wondered, as I have, how to express yourself in action, but not been able to recall the verb to do it?"

Welcome aboard, good luck and have fun!


Re: Interactions with NPCs (and misc) 08/08/2016 08:53 AM CDT
As someone once posted:

say ]]bench ::tree :soft =ask ~elven Busy?

Speaking softly in Elven to a tree, a voice behind a bench asks, "Busy?"