I am asleep 04/07/2016 11:16 AM CDT
Game told me I am tired, I typed 'sleep'.

I can't seem to awaken. Or find the verb that will allow me to awaken. If I perform an action that would cause me to need to be awake, the game I feel should prompt me if I want to not be asleep.
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 11:22 AM CDT
The verb is wake
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 12:00 PM CDT
Well.. that is.. pretty simple. Thanks.
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 12:09 PM CDT
>Game told me I am tired, I typed 'sleep'.

Oddly, I don't think sleeping actually does anything mechanically positive for you in-game at all, unless it's Symbol of Dreams.

Don't believe everything you read.

The deathbot will come back eventually.

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 12:46 PM CDT
>Oddly, I don't think sleeping actually does anything mechanically positive for you in-game at all

I don't remember exactly what the screen said but something to the affect that my mind/brain needed a rest. How is this achieved? How did I even reach this state, I didn't do much I just go done with the Sprite quests..
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 12:53 PM CDT
Ahh, your field experience level was at about 90 percent or more. That's a fairly standard message.

You'll find a better description here:


The long and short of it is that you don't need to 'sleep', so much as find a safe place and wait a bit.

Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 01:06 PM CDT

>I don't remember exactly what the screen said but something to the affect that my mind/brain needed a rest. How is this achieved? How did I even reach this state, I didn't do much I just go done with the Sprite quests..

you probably typed "exp" or clicked on "experience" and your mind was full. You don't need to sleep (or eat) in GS. When it says "You must rest" it means you're near or at the maximum of your character's experience bucket. In GS, experience can be related to a bucket with a small hole in the bottom. You can fill up the bucket fast, but the experience is absorbed only when it drops out the small hole in the bottom a little at a time (approximately one experience pulse a minute).

Say have jut absorbed 20 xp in the last pulse, and you're what is commonly referred to as "fried" (exp status at "must rest"), when you kill the next creature you will not put anymore than the missing 20 xp from the last pulse in your experience bucket. New player quests will cause this status, as well.

Advancing for a typical player is usually hunt (fill the bucket), go back to town and rest on a node where experience absorbs faster (empty the bucket).

As you are a new player (welcome!), I recommend ringing the bell at Silverwood Manor and speaking to a Mentor (another player who is trained to introduce new players to GS), and also reading the new player category on GSWiki for a basic introduction to the game.

Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 01:32 PM CDT
>The long and short of it is that you don't need to 'sleep', so much as find a safe place and wait a bit.

Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 02:01 PM CDT
>As you are a new player (welcome!)

Thanks! I am an old Dragonrealms player that has decided to finally see what GS is all about.
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 02:27 PM CDT
> Thanks! I am an old Dragonrealms player that has decided to finally see what GS is all about.

Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 04:05 PM CDT

And you might want to find a node to rest at.
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 04:35 PM CDT
>>Advancing for a typical player is usually hunt (fill the bucket), go back to town and rest on a node where experience absorbs faster (empty the bucket).

... some characters lose their experience when the bucket falls from the sky and empties their head ...

don't be a dwarf ...


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 06:09 PM CDT
>don't be a dwarf ...

Am Dwarf... is this a joke, or do I have a real concern?
Re: I am asleep 04/07/2016 09:48 PM CDT

You really need to meet Clunk.

And no, you don't need to be concerned. Thought, I'm not so sure Clunk's words were a joke, either. Hmm . .

Re: I am asleep 04/08/2016 06:15 AM CDT

was a joke,

future historians know ... Elanthia begins and ends with dwarves ... all others are just trials to help develop good dwarven character ...

(that was OOC humor by the way ... no way Clunk would say soemthing like that IC)


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: I am asleep 04/08/2016 09:34 AM CDT
>future historians know ... Elanthia begins and ends with dwarves ... all others are just trials to help develop good dwarven character ...

Sounds like an actual line from a movie.

Glad you guys are joking about the Dwarf thing as I am liking the idea of my Ranger Dwarf.

I have noticed browsing the forums that a lot of skills are referenced by a number rather than a name, which seems odd.
Re: I am asleep 04/08/2016 02:21 PM CDT

> I have noticed browsing the forums that a lot of skills are referenced by a number rather than a name, which seems odd.

Skills are usually acronyms, which I'm still not completely up to speed with. If it's a number, it's likely a spell reference. I moved from DR over a year and a half ago, and I still call the spells by name. I think people look at Luxie with a small hopeless look every time she makes them explain what spell they are referring to with a number.

Each circle of spells has it's own number series. All the 400's, for instance, are minor elemental, and all the 10xx are bard spells. I'm lucky to know that much, I have no idea what the numbers are for the rest! Most spell related things work with either the number OR the name, but I have found syntax issues with STOP that I have to look up numbers for. :( Maybe that is peculiar to bard songs, though.

There's a small group of DR Refugees playing GS now. We're quite happy to help you find your footing here. From my point of view ... the return to GS after 20 years was well worth every effort.

Welcome aboard!
Re: I am asleep 04/08/2016 03:14 PM CDT
Not all of us give a hopeless look to those using spell names. I've been playing GS off and on since the days of AOL and I still call the spells by their names instead of #s. You give me a spell # and chances are I have to look it up on the wiki to know what you are trying to say.

Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, "You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra."
Re: I am asleep 04/08/2016 05:15 PM CDT

>>Glad you guys are joking about the Dwarf thing as I am liking the idea of my Ranger Dwarf.

We need a good ranger dwarf ... one who can find Kalaza.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: I am asleep 04/08/2016 08:20 PM CDT
I too only sorta know the 400's and 1000's, and I've been playing GS with a bard main since it was accessible via Prodigy. I absolutely do not know any other spell circles (even though I have a handful of alts of different classes), which is actually a little frustrating when I get dispelled and I have no idea which spells to ask for, lol :)

/seo, wheels and skulls department/
Re: I am asleep 04/09/2016 09:55 AM CDT
You think you got problems, calling them by name? Hell, when I switch macro sets over to spell lists in the Wizard, it still says "Open Channeling" or "Closed Essence".

(And yes, I still call Spirit Guide 'Word of Return'. :)
Re: I am asleep 04/09/2016 12:18 PM CDT

I get asked for spells all the time by spell name. And same when i ask for spells i ask by spell name. Dont think i have seen anyone in game ask by spell number.

Outside ranger spells i know names but couldnt tell you numbers.
Re: I am asleep 04/09/2016 02:21 PM CDT
Spell number usage in game can be frowned upon, though it also depends what you're doing. I got a fairly large lecture in OOC whisper the last time I used a spell number in game, though the circumstance was...

I was trying to get into the green barrier in River's Rest, which opens when some combination of first level spells are cast on it. It's kind of hard to stay IC and be asking for scrolls with other first level spells on them and get the point across. I mean, "simplest spell in a circle" would work. I figure there's some kind of library catalog with spell numbers, but your mileage will definitely vary.

Most especially, besides sorcerers and other avid scroll users, I'm not sure how many people know spell numbers for spells their character(s) doesn't know.

Spell numbers are pretty clutch if you want to use scrolls though. RUMMAGE BAKPACK SPELL 613 ... as opposed to reading like 20 scrolls looking for Self Control.

The deathbot will come back eventually.

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: I am asleep 04/10/2016 10:38 AM CDT
Don't forget the handy verb SPELL ALL!

Re: I am asleep 04/12/2016 10:52 AM CDT
"Spell All" -- Contemplar

Which, as I recall, does not display the mnemonic... only the number and full name.

(Note that I have asked before for that to be added. Quite possibly when it was released. But certainly since.)
Re: I am asleep 04/12/2016 05:19 PM CDT

>>Which, as I recall, does not display the mnemonic... only the number and full name.

wonder why that is not a quick fix for a coder GM?


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)