Just Joined Platinum 11/30/2017 01:20 PM CST
Hi all!

I've been playing Prime/Premium for 20+ years off and on. Jointly run some capped characters with my boy friend while focusing on a mid-level sorcerer in Ta'Illistim. I'm no expert at anything, just enjoy playing!

Now starting up my first Plat character. Eirenanor is an elven empath based in the Landing for now. (My first empath from scratch!...need to develop her "story"...). She should be able to provide some healing & rescue services before "too long" when needed. I'm on West Coast time zone, so adventuring later than many of you for usually 2-3 hours per night.

Given that there's little business for a healer sitting in the Landing small park, what's the recommendation for a training path? Balanced or Pure for hunting purposes? (no I don't want to train as a warpath!)

Hope to see you all around the lands as she matures!


Co-Player of (in Prime):
Eirenanor Lvl 59 sorcerer
Skarrs Lvl 78 empath
Gutios capped wizard
Dasmik capped warrior
Moider capped bard
Tsin capped rogue (recent acquisition; the grumpy old "patriarch" of our family)

Re: Just Joined Platinum 11/30/2017 04:22 PM CST
Welcome to Plat! I can't speak as to the empath training questions, but if you let people know via the amount that you're available for healing you'll certainly get customers.

We also have a whole Platinum section of the boards where we chat, check under All Forums when you're logged in.


Liia: Blame Issalya
Omrii: Wait, we have official staff approval on blaming Issalya? Excellent.
Kormis: She seems to be to blame for everything around here!
Re: Just Joined Platinum 11/30/2017 11:40 PM CST
Welcome to Platinum!

Platinum Co-Guru
Forums Manager
Re: Just Joined Platinum 12/01/2017 12:02 AM CST
Yay new plat people! Can't wait to get healed more, yay.

_ _ _
Wyrom gestures at you, causing you to explode.
Re: Just Joined Platinum 12/01/2017 01:27 AM CST
Welcome to the club.

If you need anything at all please feel free to ask on the forums or Platinum Lich Chat. Whether it's spells, gear, or help. With the portals in platinum it pretty much takes less than a minute to travel to the vast majority of places so someone is generally within reach to help out.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Re: Just Joined Platinum 12/01/2017 07:57 AM CST
Welcome to plat! I made the jump back in August and couldn't be happier. Everyone is friendly, super helpful, and really true to their characters as I am sure you are finding. If I had understood what the extra $10 over a premium sub got me I'd have done it long ago. I'd encourage people to check out the free month trial. https://www.play.net/gs4/platinum/trial.asp

Chad, player of a few