Empath weapon AS 03/24/2013 02:49 PM CDT
A bit of a cross post in response to this post:( http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Clerics/So%20You%20Want%20to%20be%20a%20Cleric%3F/view/417 ) as this is about empaths and not clerics.

I'd say just because they can generate more AS then other pure profession doesn't make their total end game AS insane. It would be great to quit hearing about it but I know that will never happen.

I'll show you a side by side comparison of an empath, a ranger, and a warrior with base line training only. I also decided to include sorcerers because they generate the lowest self spelled AS among the pure professions.

Empath Ranger Warrior Sorcerer
Skill bonus 201 302 302 201
Combat maneuver bonus 51 51 101 51
Spell bonus 15(1109) 10(606) 50(425)
Bonding 10
Weapon specialization 10
Surge of strength 16
Totals 362 363 439 302

I left out STR bonus, society bonus, and weapon enchant because these things can all be equal. As you can see the ranger is 1 point ahead of an empath and that they still have 101 ranks of combat maneuvers to learn. Most, if not all, can be picked up pre-cap it would just depend on the rangers choice of training with their "extra" training points. You can also see that warriors have a large margin over empaths and that empaths have quite the lead over sorcerers.

>>She can use a THW and kill stuff even with spell 102 in effect!!! Insane AS, insane DS; what's not to like?

The thing is though, there is a huge difference between being able to kill something, and killing it effectively. It is great that you enjoy your characters though as that is the point of the game. But I don't really think empath AS is that insane compared to what a real weapon using profession can achieve, or compared to what an empath can do with their spells.
Re: Empath weapon AS 03/24/2013 02:58 PM CDT
>>The thing is though, there is a huge difference between being able to kill something, and killing it effectively. It is great that you enjoy your characters though as that is the point of the game. But I don't really think empath AS is that insane compared to what a real weapon using profession can achieve, or compared to what an empath can do with their spells.<<

I would never, under any circumstances, say that my warpath is superior, or even equal, to a square or semi of equal level when using weapons. That would indeed be absurd. If nothing else, we don't have access to the best CMans.

My claim is that of all the "pure" professions, empaths and mages are the best suited for mutant weapon using builds, because of their particular spell sets. Period.

The bells of Hell
go ting-a-ling-a-ling
for you but not for me
Re: Empath weapon AS 03/25/2013 12:42 PM CDT
You left out the lore bonus from 215 and Blessing Lore. +1 AS per 10 ranks of Blessing Lore. I realize that a warpath is not going to have 100 ranks of blessing lore right at cap, but they will certainly have some, and could have, eventually, 200 ranks of blessing lore (an odd build, to be sure), giving them +20 AS over what you have listed, which, while it doesn't put them ahead of rangers or warriors, sure does put us poor sorcerers further in the hole... But hey, we have the best CS spells! Oh, wait, no.

-Taakhooshi, and Me

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