New Verb and Utility: STUCK 03/29/2018 11:40 AM CDT
Hey Everyone, there is a new utility (verb) available!


PAGE - This command will notify all online staff that you are stuck and need assistance.
Please note, there may not be a GameMaster on at all times.
You may be in an area that has a puzzle, or mechanical exit in place that
a GameMaster cannot solve for you.
DECAY - This command should only be used if you feel you've tried all other options.
It will give you the penalties of a full death and move you to the nearest
temple, or respawn location.
HELP - Gives a general overview of how to proceed when you feel you are stuck.
General tips, links to the wiki, maps, and a suggestion to use local
channels like the amunet.

Please note, staff members will only move you if you are truly stuck with no way out.
Abuse of this command can lead to temporary or permanent blocking of its functions or further punishment.

Retser, ASGM

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