Player Shops Update 02/05/2018 01:46 PM CST
As of 2/5/18 I've finished resolving the last of the "Clean Eviction" issues. Those changes are now live, I've run through a few "tests" to make sure the logic is working in the live environments after stress testing in development.
These "issues" were preventing any further evictions from being processed.

From here... It is a manual, tedious process of going through interior room of shop by shop. Fixing previous attempts of changing the player shop system through code, or manual changes.

For those that don't know, player shops are a "back burner" project for me. I picked it up "for fun" while working on my regular duties. I know you all are very excited and anxious for them. I'm going as fast as I can.

I'm at something around 250/2000 as of today with fixing the interiors of the shops. After that I should be good to start re-releasing some in small batches as outlined before. Depending on how those go, I will open more up.

Retser, ASGM

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