Skinning Task Rewards 09/10/2014 09:10 PM CDT
Could we look into increasing the experience reward for skinning tasks to 800? Since we can't take on multiple tasks or choose which task we want, it feels a bit like a penalty when you get a skinning task.

Re: Skinning Task Rewards 09/11/2014 05:05 AM CDT
Skinning tasks can be avoided with the right training. You can also buy immunity to any one task type or instant task replacement with SIMU coins.

I agree that the experience reward is meagre by comparison with other tasks, but they get much better bounty points.

There is a problem post-cap, because the skin values, and hence the bounty points, are meagre as well as the experience but I never felt hard done by on skinning tasks until I capped. Either I was getting excellent points compared to other tasks, or I trained to avoid getting the task in the first place.
Re: Skinning Task Rewards 09/11/2014 07:20 AM CDT
Well, first, I am capped. And now that I've started training in first aid and survival, my experience gain over time has decreased as a result of earning the privilege of being assigned skinning tasks by the adventurer's guild. I don't think that's working as intended. Increasing the reward to 800 would put the task on par with the low end reward for other tasks so that pulling a skinning task is not a loss of 200 experience relative to pulling any other task. I think it's a very reasonable request.

In the long term, I'd rather you allow us to work on multiple tasks simultaneously and pick and choose our tasks to some degree. Limit the number of completed tasks one can hold so that you can't stockpile endless experience. New tasks can't be assigned until you have fewer than the limit of completed tasks. Next, provide an increased BP reward in exchange for forgoing experience and overhaul the BP reward list to include rewards players actually want. In particular, valued services in exchange for large amounts of BPs.

What I expect the result will be is players will work on multiple objectives at once, hit their limit and be forced to choose. You can sit back and rest, allowing your mind to unwind between turning in bounties as we do now. Or you can turn in some or all of the excess bounties in exchange for a higher BP reward. This would clear your completed task log, allowing you to take on new tasks.

So it could allow you to rest and gain experience for a longer period of time, if you choose. Or if you're feeling productive you could grab a big chunk of BPs by turning in early and then go out and round up more. One choice nets you greater experience. The other nets you more BPs. Presumably, you'd actually have useful items to purchase via BPs so that you'd have a reason to accumulate more points beyond recharging your enhancives and selling fixstat/skill potions for silver.

Anyway, that's just a dream for the future. Right now I'd be happy if I didn't feel like I'm being penalized for picking up survival and first aid skill!

Re: Skinning Task Rewards 09/20/2014 10:56 PM CDT
What would be nice is a tagging option:

"Ask [taskmaster] about tips."
[Taskmaster]: Oh, XYZ is hunting for rolton pelts. I only mention it because I see you happen to have two of them sticking out of your pack.
Reward - 25 exp per skin, 10 bounty points, a modest amount of cash. Perhaps the cash would be the average selling price of the skin, ignoring racial bonuses or minuses.

This could work with gems and herbs, too. It may be a pain to hunt down that character, but I would think they would like the help.

Magarven the Mad
Re: Skinning Task Rewards 09/20/2014 11:01 PM CDT
Cool idea. I wonder if it could work?

Re: Skinning Task Rewards 09/24/2014 09:07 AM CDT

>"Ask [taskmaster] about tips."
>[Taskmaster]: Oh, XYZ is hunting for rolton pelts. I only mention it because I see you happen to have two of them sticking out of your pack.
>Reward - 25 exp per skin, 10 bounty points, a modest amount of cash. Perhaps the cash would be the average selling price of the skin, ignoring racial bonuses or minuses.

>This could work with gems and herbs, too. It may be a pain to hunt down that character, but I would think they would like the help.

It's a wonderful idea! Even helping people with creature-related tasks past their level doesn't seem grossly unbalanced to me. I wouldn't expect a huge reward, but it's another possible kind of option for the River's Rest guild to offer.

>An officer of the Sorcerer Guild arrives and glances around. "Ah, there you are, Vathon!" he says in a slightly agitated tone. "I have come to formally declare that your membership privileges have been revoked."