Who does what? 03/24/2017 01:16 PM CDT
So, a general question as it applies to forging. We know that there are racial modifiers for success in creating perfect components that differ for crafting handles versus forging heads.

We do not have an equation on how to increase the likelihood for perfect vising. However, I know that it's been asked for many times, so I'm less concerned with soliciting a full blown equation (unless you want to provide it, that'd be cool).

However, I was just curious if it was factored in WHO created the two components for the potential perfect outcome? If Whirlin created Handles, and Arshwikk created the heads, and vising was done by Nairdin, would that have a negative impact on perfect success rates?

Re: Who does what? 03/24/2017 03:24 PM CDT
The racial and stat modifiers affect your chances of making a piece or not making a piece. They do not (directly) affect your chances of that piece being a perfect (although if you fail to make a piece, it obviously will not be perfect).