UAC Brawling clasp 12/31/2012 12:22 PM CST
The following is up for auction on the PC at

Please place any bids on the PC as I will not be updating this auction on the officials.

-- Faulkil

Seems like a great item for a non-Monk UAC brawler. Auction will go ONCE, TWICE, SOLD and will be updated nightly. Please post your bids here.

A golden topaz inset copper clasp

Mage rechargeable Brace spell (1214) - Non-Crumbly

Enhancive - Crumbly
+3 Brawling Ranks (3)
+2 Aura bonus (6)
+6 CON bonus (21)

Minimum Bid: 500k
Current Bid:

Buyouts offers will be considered.