THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 08/28/2017 09:40 PM CDT
A few days late but... I just wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU to the folks involved with adding what is a really cool and interesting new feature to enchanting! Specifically the ability to enchant padded and weighted items going forward! This one update was definitely unexpected and has easily added years of "Ooh, I could do that!" to my otherwise rapidly dwindling list of interesting enchanting projects!

So... while I will continue to suggest and hope for continued improvement to this spell over time, I wanted to make sure to let you know that this particular change is very much appreciated!

-- Robert

You gesture at a colossal glaes-covered meteor.
The scream of tortured metal echoes around you as the lightning bolt strikes a colossal glaes-covered meteor.
Re: THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 08/28/2017 09:41 PM CDT
+1, thank you for the hidden enchant upgrade in the middle of a massive overhaul.

Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."
Re: THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 08/29/2017 12:58 PM CDT
Now you see why we couldn't tell you back when we released the updates to enchanting that it was going to be possible to enchant weighted items... ;P

The restriction before was directly related to the how the items properties were used, and determined if such was "enchantable." Because of the move to separate properties this opened up the possibility to enchant weighted items, where it wasn't possible before.

Re: THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 08/29/2017 01:16 PM CDT
>> The restriction before was directly related to the how the items properties were used, and determined if such was "enchantable." Because of the move to separate properties this opened up the possibility to enchant weighted items, where it wasn't possible before.

So... about non-elemental flares...
Re: THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 08/29/2017 02:02 PM CDT

Very nice, thank you.


Re: THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 08/29/2017 04:15 PM CDT
Another happy wizard player here! I went from having one thing I want to enchant up to four because of this change. Maybe more, actually, but that's just off the top of my head.
Re: THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 09/06/2017 10:35 PM CDT
It appears that temporary W/P/S is unenchantable - at least, none of my tempering potions have worked for temporary gear, only permanent ones. Is this design intended and permanent?
Re: THANK YOU for the nice bump to enchanting! 09/08/2017 10:58 PM CDT
I look forward to doing some projects for folks once my fusion gear is enchanted up. Thanks for this update from as well. I'm sure quite sure that I'm not the only one to appreciate all the efforts over the last 1.5 or 2 years that we have had some amazing changes to our class.

Just an elf about town...