Hello my pretties! 10/05/2011 08:39 PM CDT

Hi all!

I have come to play with all the excellent elven players we have!

I am spending the next few weeks researching and seeing what has been done with the elves. If you have any ideas or wants feel free to shoot me an e-mail!

~ Valyrka ~
Forest Gnomes
Re: Hello my pretties! 10/09/2011 06:38 PM CDT

One of the things I'd like to see are the titles for the other Elven monarchs. Like with the Argent Mirror/Queen of Ta'Illistim, I was told somewhere (maybe here?) that the other city-states were getting more unique titles as well for their monarchs and courts. It's nothing big but it's a detail that'd be nice to have.

Re: Hello my pretties! 10/09/2011 08:13 PM CDT
That is a great idea!

/me adds it to my list!

~ Valyrka ~
Forest Gnomes
Re: Hello my pretties! 10/12/2011 09:26 AM CDT
I'm not sure if this was meant to be his "official" title, but when Tyrnian visited an MHO ball in Plat a few months ago, we were told to refer to him as Sovereign Commander rather than King. That struck me as a good title for a militaristic monarch.

Re: Hello my pretties! 10/15/2011 08:36 PM CDT
>>Sovereign Commander

Yeah, this would actually be a cool title for him to have.

>>"In essence, Spirit is always with me, but Judgement and Revenge will be my weapons in the end."