Amulet Duration Suggestion 10/12/2011 12:27 AM CDT
YMMV, but I get tired of having to rub my amulet all the time for my non-secret-society characters, so I propose the following change:

Make them permanent with the ability to turn them off when desired (a rub will start it up again), or just make one rub last a whole four hours.

It's just really annoying and it seems pointless that each activation doesn't last terribly long.


~Brian, Sepher's player
Re: Amulet Duration Suggestion 12/11/2012 06:45 PM CST

<It's just really annoying and it seems pointless that each activation doesn't last terribly long.>

I was thinking about this same thing recently since there are so many ways now to have the net up longer. I dont know if they would go so far as to make it 4 hours with multiple rubs, but I definitely think there could be another version of it that is a critter drop item, that is a one or two rub 4 hour version. Same basic concept but make each rub last longer and less rubs. Amulets are a fairly fast trading item and I sell alot out of my shop, the less rubs more time version would probably even make them more valuable.
Re: Amulet Duration Suggestion 12/12/2012 06:29 AM CST
>I dont know if they would go so far as to make it 4 hours with multiple rubs

It is already stackable to 4hrs with multiple rubs.

I think the thought net should be always on and amulets used for range extension. You would have to wear one to access a global net. The local net should be default on (but ignorable via ESP settings).

Also they should automatically use charges while worn like enhancives do rather than requiring spending a couple of minutes continually rubbing it to stack the duration up. There's a flag that's supposed to make them automatic at the moment, but it doesn't work.
Re: Amulet Duration Suggestion 12/12/2012 10:05 AM CST
In order to keep one of the neck slots free I have a script that will use up the amulet until it shatters. Its not a HUGE inconvenience but maybe a little tweak like hour long charges would make amulets less cumbersome?

Chad, player of a few
Re: Amulet Duration Suggestion 12/12/2012 08:20 PM CST

<I think the thought net should be always on and amulets used for range extension. You would have to wear one to access a global net. The local net should be default on (but ignorable via ESP settings).

I would not have a problem with that accept it totally defeats the value of whispring willow, and the huge cost in training to be able to whisper land wide. It also defeats the purpose of avian companions that can carry messages.
Re: Amulet Duration Suggestion 12/13/2012 06:04 PM CST
I just rubbed one crystal amulet out in 40 rubs. Is that a META 40 Year Old Virgin joke?

Chad, player of a few