Now, about that other thing (or two. . .) 09/09/2017 12:04 AM CDT
I would like to see QoL tweaks:

1) Return the upper end of enchanting - give alchemists the chance to learn 8x, 9x and 10x enchanting potion recipes. Make them require two or more wizards to prepare, if necessary.

2) Up the rate for the reagents (again) or change the properties of the flare pre-temper potions. They're too rare. Wizards who have 100 plus lore still can't do anything with flaring items.

Re: Now, about that other thing (or two. . .) 09/09/2017 09:42 PM CDT
Welp, in support of my supporter, I'll +1 his requests on 8X-10X alchemy potions...

Just an elf about town...