Guild Skill Ideas 06/22/2017 07:05 PM CDT
Soul Tap – Activate to lose all stamina but return same amount as mana. (percentage gained increased with skill ranks, 100% converted at max ranks)

Demonic Pact (passive) – Demon pet have a scaling (by skill rank) % to assist in combat with a flare of that demon’s type (much like with balefire)

Ethereal – Allows you become incorporeal for 30s, pretty much a symbol of transcendence skill (time scales up with ranks to max of 30s)

Ensorcell Control (passive) – Gives the sorcerer a higher proc rate for an ensorcelled weapon they are using, and an extra 1x tier for ensorcelled armor they are wearing. Higher proc rate tiered throughout the ranks but the armor part gained at mastery.