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Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 01:33 AM CST
I just realized that I could really use a maneuver type spell. I'm a caster, but if something is turtled and wearing plate and I can't ward it, then I wanna be able to do a maneuverish spell like Boil Earth, Implosion, Spike Thorn....So!

320 Condemn

A spray of (deity specific*) shoot forth from (cleric's) hands at the (whatever)!

So they gotta dodge the stuff and if not, they get hit by whatever

*Use the same tables as you do for divine fury...


Sheru (Crushing) - Tiny metal spheres
Charl (Lightning) - Orbs of lightning
Tonis (Vacuum) - Little black holes! (lol)
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 02:00 AM CST
>I just realized that I could really use a maneuver type spell. I'm a caster, but if something is turtled and wearing plate and I can't ward it, then I wanna be able to do a maneuverish spell like Boil Earth, Implosion, Spike Thorn....So!

320 Divine Fist
Illoke worshippers get a stone one. Others get similar effects from different styles of hand.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 02:34 AM CST
I like that idea too, but I'd still like to have the fists have deity specific damage and messaging. Only problem I can see with that is the people that will be like "I just fisted that guy to death". Just sounds dirty.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 03:27 AM CST
Stone fist is already a spell, I don't want to copy anyone else. Clerics are special and should have spells that are specially made for them.

320 - Condemn

(First Person) You cast your hand outward toward the creature/character and your faith takes form!
(Amount based on lore e.g. some, many, one hundred) (deity based orbs/spheres/balls e.g. for Gosaena- balls of ice) hurtle from your hand at the creature/character!

(Third Person) The Cleric throws her hand outward toward the creature as her eyes glow brightly!
Some balls of ice fly from the space in front of her outstretched hand right at the creature!
The creature dodges most of the balls of ice, but gets hit by a few.
........30 points of damage!
Brrrrr! That was a cold blow to the chest!
The creature is stunned!
........15 points of damage!
Right arm shattered by an extremely well placed hit!

You get the picture....

Lore Benefits you ask? I say all three spirit lores do something!
Spirit Lore Summoning - Increases the amount of balls hurled (chance of more strikes after the first)
Spirit Lore Religion - Increases the damage done by the individual strikes (higher critical tables)
Spirit Lore Blessing - Chance of the balls flying and hitting another critter in the room.

Anyways, that's just one possible way of doing it. Point I'm getting at is that Clerics need a maneuver spell. All pures should have the 3 kinds of spells in their arsenal. CS Bolt and Maneuver.

Help us Estild-Wan're our only hope!
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 04:18 AM CST
>Point I'm getting at is that Clerics need a maneuver spell. All pures should have the 3 kinds of spells in their arsenal. CS Bolt and Maneuver.



That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 04:41 AM CST
a thorn/boil style spell would be nice, not sure what would be a suitable flavor that could fit all clerics tho... need to think on this one...

player of Fremie

Mirayam says, "You are not a rogue, sir."

Mirayam exclaims, "You are noble!"
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 05:35 AM CST


Because the elemental pures have three types of spells to pick from. Why must Empaths and Clerics be devoid of that choice? If you cannot ward something due to the armor it's wearing and it's turtled, what can a cleric really do? It'd be nice to at least have the option to try something that's based on the opponent's dodging ability and level difference than it's magical defense.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 06:39 AM CST
I love the idea of a manuever based spell for the cleric list. Is brimstone considered a manuever spell? Maybe we could seek for improvements for that existing spell if this isn't approved by the PTB. For this spell concept, spell aiming would make sense to increase effectiveness as well.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 06:47 AM CST
>320 Condemn

>A spray of (deity specific*) shoot forth from (cleric's) hands at the (whatever)!


Spider cleric, spider cleric, does whatever a spider cleric does..

(In all seriousness, it's an interesting idea, but isn't it just like one of the paladin spells?)


Raelee quietly admits, "That is a difficult concept."
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 06:52 AM CST
>If you cannot ward something due to the armor it's wearing and it's turtled, what can a cleric really do?

Sorry, I'm all with the double-posting today pre-coffee.

If a cleric can't ward something and can't bolt it effectively due to armor or DS, they can go hunt something else. Mine avoids krag dwellers, but hits yetis and lesser minotaurs.

In OTF, my empath avoided constructs and killed everything else. Not all critters are huntable by all professions and training plans equally.

(Please don't post hunting logs of non-pure, melee-trained empaths and/or clerics killing krag dwellers and/or constructs, you know who you are. It's not relevant to the point I'm making.)


Raelee quietly admits, "That is a difficult concept."
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 07:12 AM CST
I suppose you're right about the "go hunt something else" thing, but I still think Clerics should have access to an instantaneous maneuver spell.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 07:27 AM CST
I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I think a maneuver spell would be a great addition to the Cleric spell list. It's not like we have to give something else up to get the spell anyways. So, is there something better that should go in that spell slot that I'm missing? I'm good on defensive spells unless that thing I suggested before like a cleric Cloak of Shadows (I hunt like-leveled creatures with two bare hands and no brawling training at level 50 and can use a runestaff if I'm doing bandits) Another offensive CS spell? Why? Divine Fury is awesomesauce! and it would cost 3 less mana. Another bolt spell? Mmm...306 is pretty awesome against undead and 111 is beast enough for me too. Alright, it's like 9:30 in the morning and I haven't gotten any sleep, so I'm probably rambling or getting defensive about my idear getting nit-picked, so I'ma go to bed. Forgive me!

P.S. Even a semi that's spiritual has a maneuver spell! Spike Thorn! So, don't let a semi outshine us with their spells!
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 10:49 AM CST
Maybe we could just point our finger like a pistol and point it at the baddie's feet Yelling "Dance, you turtle, Dance! - You anti-magic bastid!" as we mimic (P-choo! p-choo! p-choo!) firing the "pistol". Little clouds of dust would conceal our movement to the next room which contains a Hittable creature.

While it sounds great to me, a clericy sort, I can see how it might raise some eyebrows. It would be one thing if we were ineffective hunters, but we aren't. Properly self cast I would think you could live through a one on one stun (assuming you arent way overhunting or overencumbered).

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 12:54 PM CST
>>If you cannot ward something due to the armor it's wearing and it's turtled, what can a cleric really do?<<

Why would you want to hunt something you cannot ward, if you are a pure caster? Alternatively, use an e-wave amulet, feint it, disarm it, then bop it over the head with a large stick.

"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"

"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 01:34 PM CST
I don't seem to get EITHER of your two arguments.

--Why would you want to hunt something you cannot ward, if you are a pure caster? Alternatively, use an e-wave amulet, feint it, disarm it, then bop it over the head with a large stick.--

So, we should use a magic item that uses a maneuver spell that the other pures already possess? LOL nice...

---While it sounds great to me, a clericy sort, I can see how it might raise some eyebrows. It would be one thing if we were ineffective hunters, but we aren't. Properly self cast I would think you could live through a one on one stun (assuming you arent way overhunting or overencumbered).---

And you seem to be implying that Wizards and Sorcerers and Rangers would be ineffective hunters without 917/720/617? Are you for real?

Look guys, I'm not saying I can't hunt at all because I don't any maneuver spells, I'm saying it'd be nice to have the option to cast with my own mana instead of relying on magic items that use the same spell type I'm asking for from other classes. If that were the case, why not take away all of our offensive spells all together since we can just "use a magic item" to solve our problems.
We're trying to fill a spell slot that is Empty. This spell would be useful. If anyone else has something negative to say about it, then give a suggestion that is better. Otherwise you're being counter-productive :p
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 02:06 PM CST
>>So, we should use a magic item that uses a maneuver spell that the other pures already possess? LOL nice...<<

Your initial statement implied that you are hunting something you can't ward. I merely suggested an alternative. You could also try dispelling them on the first round, if some of their TD is based on their spells. The reason I suggested e-wave is that it causes RT, giving you time to take one or more successive actions. And let's face it, some creatures are designed to be resistant to spell casters; greater constructs come to mind. These are best just avoided.

A clerical maneuver type spell similar to ... spike thorn perhaps? I suppose it could be done, but it seems to me that it would basically mimic what the other classes have anyway, it would just be self cast instead of coming from an item. Yes, it would certainly eliminate the CS/TD problem you seem to be having, but it would almost certainly be level based; you would have trouble using it if overhunting.

I have a ranger character, and spike thorn is feeble against anything more than a couple trainings over her level. Same thing for implosion, whether focused or open.

"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"

"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 03:40 PM CST
>We're trying to fill a spell slot that is Empty. This spell would be useful. If anyone else has something negative to say about it, then give a suggestion that is better. Otherwise you're being counter-productive :p

I'm not sure you understand what is counter-productive and isn't.

Disagreeing with an idea isn't. Replying to your suggestion with, 'No. ur dumb' would be counter-productive.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 07:33 PM CST
Sorry if I seemed overly defensive. So, what would you like to see go into the 320 spell slot if not a maneuver spell?
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 07:43 PM CST
If you can't ward a creature, you have several options:

1.) Use a bolt attack.
2.) Dispel it with Spirit Dispel (119) or Spiritual Abolition (230).
3.) Use a maneuver attack: brimstone (325 T2) or Call Lightning (125).

GameMaster Estild
Cleric/Empath Team
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/01/2010 08:33 PM CST
That brings up a question I have...How many clerics use brimstones on a regular basis? I use them for giggles every now and then, but I havent seriously used this spell since I hunted troll warcamps regularly. The spell effect is fantastic, but the fact that you only get one use per gem limits it too much for my cleric right now. What if another option was added to WAVE the brimstone at a creature for a targetted version of the spell? No change in damage or effects, but there is a change the gem will persist and deteriorates similar to nexus gem usage.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/02/2010 07:35 AM CST
Call lightning is rather expensive to cast compared to say Energy Maelstrom or Sandstorm. And sacrificing a gem regularly on a hunt is expensive in another way. I still vote for a maneuver spell in the 320 slot..
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/02/2010 07:59 AM CST
It would only be 5 additional mana over the proposed 320... The issue if any is the amount of time it takes for the lightning to fire off.

AIM: Delcian

"Only after disaster can we be resurrected." - TD
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/02/2010 08:03 AM CST
Summoning lore decreases the speed of each round the Lightning Cloud takes to form, as well as allows the spell to be cast indoors. The only thing I would like to see changed to make 125 a worthy offensive maneuver attack would be to allow a non-targetted version of the spell to work. If you don't cast 125 at a target, it will simply start zapping the caster, which is dumb.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/02/2010 08:41 AM CST
>>How many clerics use brimstones on a regular basis? I use them for giggles every now and then, but I havent seriously used this spell since I hunted troll warcamps regularly<<

I used to use them a lot; they rarely actually kill anything outright, but it's sort of like immolation. The critters tend to roll on the ground for a while, giveing you some freedom of action. I got out of tha habit of using them when I was hunting the bowels; using fire there is hazardous to your health, and living rocks tend not to care about fire :)

I think I still have a dozen or so in my cloak.

"So, what does that green line on the graph represent?"

"Oh, that's the projection of a hypothetical offspring from a union between Sauron and Cruella de Ville; we use that as a baseline for determining character alignment."
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/03/2010 02:56 PM CST
"And you seem to be implying that Wizards and Sorcerers and Rangers would be ineffective hunters without 917/720/617? Are you for real?"

I wasn't implying this at all. What I was implying, I suppose, is well yes, sure it'd be fun to have a different kind of spell for a cleric- but each class has it's hunting limitations of sorts and I accept there will be some things I may not be able to kill easily if at all. The creatures at my level I am able to kill as long as they aren't anti-magic or too heavily defended against my warding casts.

Perhaps you read too much into my opinion. Asking if I'm for real is a bit confrontational and dismissive so I'll not go down that road except to say, "Yes."

I didn't personally attack you, please respond in kind in the future.

As to what to put into 320? I haven't considered it much to be honest, but it shouldn't negate my opinions on suggestions for what does go in there.

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/03/2010 03:27 PM CST
an unfocused version of 125 would be nice. kind of like a Flaming Aura effect using lightning for damage, but only in the one room.

player of Fremie

Mirayam says, "You are not a rogue, sir."

Mirayam exclaims, "You are noble!"
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/05/2010 04:28 PM CST
Unfocused version of 125 could be kinda like casting it at a mithril box, except without it hitting the caster of course. I remember way back in the day when I used to play roulette of sorts by casting it at an acantha leaf with some of my friends to see who would get zapped. Good times on the boulder xD
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 11:33 AM CST
Two more ideas for 320...

1. A spell that has a %25 chance of reflecting spells back at the caster and a %25 chance of giving a creature/character the 5 second RT "Empathic Tug" thing when they try to swing at us.

2. Once you locate a corpse, you can open cast this to teleport the corpse to your location within 30 seconds of locating.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 11:55 AM CST
I think coming up with your own clerical spell would be better than basically copying other professional lists.

You should also keep in mind it's a 20th level spell, not a higher slot.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 02:53 PM CST
Another profession already has one of those spells?
Sorry, I don't know much about the other spell lists.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 05:58 PM CST
The issue I see with option 2 is our teleportation spells involve 225 (fogging to) and 130 (fogging you with or without a group away). Wizard gates are also up there I think at level 30? as well as a sorcerer's books (Is that around level 30 also?). *not positive though, I haven't played deeply into either of those classes*.

The Bard seems to be the only one who can travel that early, and I don't know if they can take anyone with 'em yet or not.. again, not much experience with the class in depth.

I suppose for a level 20 spell, given the cleric's usefullness as a group spell helper, I'd not mind seeing perhaps a version of 303 (Prayer of Protection) extendable to the cleric's group with effectiveness or duration built into Blessings lore.

At level 20 a Cleric (at least I was) still hunts best with a partner and this beginner group Buff makes sense to me. I will say though, I'm no developer nor designer. Feel free to fill it with holes! :)
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 07:05 PM CST
I wouldn't mind Clerics getting the spell of Banish. No warding requirements, simply prep/cast and a creature is removed from this plane of existence. No exp, but no chance of failure. I would also like to see Clerics gain a way to regain mana in a combat environment. 320 could also serve that role.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 08:19 PM CST
The #2 option I was thinking of would be more like a more powerful version of the paladin's 20th level spell. Aid the Fallen.

It would instead of like they can do, teleport a fallen character back to a predetermined position... Would teleport the corpse to wherever the cleric is. I do not believe it should work on living characters though.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 09:28 PM CST
>The #2 option I was thinking of would be more like a more powerful version of the paladin's 20th level spell. Aid the Fallen.


Not only do you want to gank a paladin spell... you want to make your version more powerful?

Double lulz.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/06/2010 11:34 PM CST
>Not only do you want to gank a paladin spell... you want to make your version more powerful?

As pures rather than the least magical semi, clerical magic should be more powerful than paladin magic in general. The only time paladin magic should be more powerful is when it relates to paladin specialities, but assisting dead bodies is a cleric speciality. Cleric magic should be much more powerful than paladin magic here.

Moving a corpse to a set location can be done by a cleric using a 325 (nexus) gem. This is already a cleric ability. (and while it takes a level 25 cleric with a decent amount of lore to make them, any cleric can use them) The suggestion is that by casting 320, the cleric can call the body to them, rather than go and get it and bring it back with them.

However it is basically undesirable that a cleric can summon a body for at least a couple of reasons.

(i) the body may not want to be summoned by that cleric and negotiating which cleric can carry off the body can't be done effectively when the competing clerics are in their separate shrines rather than all in the same place with the body. Lorminstran cleric in temple of Lorminstra goes I claim this corpse for Lorminstra. 320. corpse appears at Lorminstran shrine. Luukosian cleric counters I claim this corpse for Luukos. 320. corpse pulled into temple of Luukos. Lormintra 320. Luukos 320 ...

(ii) it makes it too easy for a low level cleric to rescue from high level hunting grounds. The requirement to be with the body means the cleric needs to be able to survive, at least briefly, in the environment the corpse is in. In practice, this ability would have to be so badly restricted in where corpses could be pulled from, to make it worthless. The game can't have level 20 pocket raisers hiding somewhere under a bridge in town pull your corpse out of Nelemar. Someone has to brave the executioners, at least briefly.

If a cleric can walk to or go2 the body, they don't need to summon it, and if you can't, you shouldn't be able to summon it.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/07/2010 01:11 AM CST
>As pures rather than the least magical semi, clerical magic should be more powerful than paladin magic in general. The only time paladin magic should be more powerful is when it relates to paladin specialities, but assisting dead bodies is a cleric speciality. Cleric magic should be much more powerful than paladin magic here.


I say us Paladins just give you our body transport spell, our useless raise, (and I suppose our Divine Vengeance, based on the power of your Divine Fury, Paladins aren't devout enough to summon more than a laugh in the face, and only sometimes) since these are cleric specialties. In exchange we'll take Benediction, and your access to Bravery and Heroism. Since Paladins don't have a specialty, other than swinging a weapon.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/07/2010 01:30 AM CST
>I say us Paladins just give you our body transport spell, our useless raise, (and I suppose our Divine Vengeance, based on the power of your Divine Fury, Paladins aren't devout enough to summon more than a laugh in the face, and only sometimes) since these are cleric specialties. In exchange we'll take Benediction, and your access to Bravery and Heroism. Since Paladins don't have a specialty, other than swinging a weapon.

Paladins can achieve a far higher weapon AS than a cleric. You don't need them.

Clerics do need spells to boost bolt AS and that is these spells prime purpose for the cleric. Clerics do need them for bolt AS. Their weapon boosting effect is mainly for other classes and only mutants, semis and squares would suffer if the spells were made bolt only. Paladins benefit from this. You want the benefit of 307? You can already get it. Just hunt with a cleric in your group. The same goes for 211 and 215 although items like pure potions are the more usual source since it takes a highly trained cleric or empath with a lot of spare mana to make them into group spells.

Paladins really don't want spells to boost their own bolt AS and other classes weapon AS, which is what these spells are for.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/07/2010 02:09 AM CST
>Paladins can achieve a far higher weapon AS than a cleric. You don't need them.

This is silly.

Clerics can already transport bodies in more ways than a Paladin. An improved version of our spell isn't needed. Yet that didn't make your list..

>Clerics do need spells to boost bolt AS and that is these spells prime purpose for the cleric. Their weapon boosting effect is mainly for other classes and only mutants, semis and squares would suffer if the spells were made bolt only.


How long has holy bolt been out? And how long have clerics had access to 307, 211 and 215? How long has 211 and 215 been other/group castable?

Yeah, I'm going to disagree that those spells's prime purpose is for bolts and other professions. It may have evolved to help, but that wasn't it's prime purpose.

However, that's really beside the point.

>>You want the benefit of 307? You can already get it. Just hunt with a cleric in your group.

Comparing group hunting to self-cast is completely different and you know it.

>Paladins really don't want spells to boost their own bolt AS and other classes weapon AS, which is what these spells are for.

How do you know? I'd gladly take an AS boost I can share with the group. It's not like we have an abundance of group spells.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/07/2010 04:14 AM CST
>Yeah, I'm going to disagree that those spells's prime purpose is for bolts and other professions. It may have evolved to help, but that wasn't it's prime purpose.

It wasn't its prime purpose originally, but it is now. Clerics used to be expected to swing weapons. Now a weapon swinging cleric is a mutant path. Only mutants need to self cast 211 and 215 for weapon AS. Pures still need it for bolt AS. Pure clerics that don't bolt will not bother with 211 and 215 unless they have mana that is going spare. A bolting cleric aims to learn 215 at level 15. A pure CS cleric doesn't care about 215 and just picks it up along the way when they want to get to 219. 211/215 is the reason early spell training is radically different depending on whether or not a cleric bolts.

Separating the bolt and weapon AS boosts in 211 and 215 would make sense. Turning them into bolt AS only, and giving paladins the ability to group cast an existing AS booster of theirs for weapon AS only would work (though the weapon using cleric and empath mutants would hate it and I am not sure that paladins would like it much). Maybe the old version would stay in pure potions which would mean the mutants could hang on by becoming pure potion junkies.

As for 307. The weapon boost is group and caps at 30 ranks, and the bolt AS part of it is self cast and is only capped by level. It boosts others weapon (and bolt) AS by a small amount and the high level clerics bolt AS by a large amount. Its pretty expensive in mana compared to other spells giving similar sorts of boosts too. 307 is the cleric circle bolt AS booster. Do Paladins really want a bolt AS booster that costs over a pulse worth of mana to cast?

Rather than a group spell, what Paladins should try for is one of the focus spells that are coming in with monks. The game already has an over-abundance of group spells, but a Paladin version of something of which only one can be active should not create a problem.

>Clerics can already transport bodies in more ways than a Paladin. An improved version of our spell isn't needed. Yet that didn't make your list..

Actually, I said clerics don't need and shouldn't have a corpse summoning spell.

The Paladin version could use improvement too. I don't see why it shouldn't include LK rather require separate LK. Its a bit silly when a paladin drags a cleric out to a body to LK it, then punts the body into town, but it happens.

Vengeance could use development too, but it needs an extra mechanic in my view. I suggest you steal the holy symbol booster idea that clerics are about to get, and have a method to power up your symbol for added Vengeance. Either a simple addition for Vengeance only, or part of a larger development giving multiple uses for symbol power ups.
Re: Okay, I figured it out for 320 12/07/2010 11:07 AM CST
And so...every suggestion I've given has gotten shot down. :( Maybe I should just wait and see what we get (if we get anything) in the 320 slot. But I'm still hoping for an instantaneous maneuver spell.
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