Uber Cman Concepts: 06/14/2017 02:40 PM CDT

I posted about Uber/Mega Spell lists and Uber/Mega Cmans. Basically, if you get post-cap you can open up doors
to training which are specific to one kind over another. A rogue who is magical might be able to get a new spell list unlocked, the warrior squared all the way might get Uber Cmans.

Uber Cmans are designed for 100th+ characters who can use huge amounts of physical force and skill to create much larger results than with typical Cmans. They also demand more Stamina which is offset by-- more PT possible (Uber Pures go up to 404 Mana in my training program, unlocking the skill with their Pure path).

But just focusing on the Cman Ubers themselves, a few ideas:

BOWLING The square gets into a ball and dives down, rolls through the enemy. The result is leg damage, knock downs, stuns and fear of as many as they can bang into.

CRITTER TOSSING The square grabs a foe and swings them around, eventually launching them at the other foes in the room to knock them over and possibly cause damage.

RIP The square rips the flesh apart, separating limbs by using sheer might, aggression and skill (using hands).

BEAST The square gets a temporary +100 to their swing for a -100 in DS. The swing has a reduced RT since the bonus is mostly in speed and precision (which is where power comes from on top of mass/strength). Requires a hard prep time to prepare for the blow during which the -100 is applied, after swinging it returns to +/- 0 DS.

MIRROR MAGIC The magical metal in the square's hands are so quickly and expertly applied to the magical energies being delivered hostiley to the square that they are able to 'swat it back'. They knock the spell right back at the caster like a mirror to a laser.

DOUBLE SWING The square gets a second swing for each attempt at an additional 1 sec RT for 25 Stamina each. Lasts 30 seconds.

DOUBLE AMBUSH The square ambusher attempts to take two foes out with one ambush!

PETRIFY Use the muscles and stance for a giant DS Bonus-- can be done while stunned/rt but uses vast stamina.