Scars 06/01/2017 08:12 AM CDT

If there was ever a possibility of custom scars being treated as their own system (i.e. like tatts or features, where they're their own thing, though not necessarily completely independent of one of those systems) -- is there anything in particular you'd want to see from them, aside from the ability to hide them with appropriate clothing (i.e. a back scar being hidden when you wear your armor or a shirt) and a good range of placement 'slots'? Any additional general thoughts or particular interactions/requests/etc.?

If nothing comes to mind, no sweat. But if you've got dreams and schemes about them, right now is a good time to mention it.


From nearby, you hear Ordim yell, "Dont eat meeeeee!"

The shaggy mutt sniffs at a vine-painted mistwood keg, then grabs it in its teeth and greedily wolfs it down before anyone can grab it!
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 08:59 AM CDT
Given the amount of Magic some characters do, I'd like to consider tattoos that also represent not just Physical injury / scarring, but also Mana-based Injury / Scarring. Not necessarily lightly glowing (although that's an option, possibly more on the level of a Wandering or Morphing tattoo though) but also tattoos that are unusual colors, with the explanation being that over your 400 year apprenticeship, you probably would have had something go wrong that left a permanent mark.

I know this kind of thing is frowned on in alters, but that's because altered gear moves. Since you can't move a scar, or change professions, it might hold merit.

Also... Rune-shaped scars.
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 10:27 AM CDT
I'm so excited that I can't think right now. (I may or may not have squealed like a kid while reading this post.) Actual suggestions forthcoming post excitement overload... unless Alisaire or Mourne get there first!
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 12:06 PM CDT
The ability to hide them with curing, and to get them to reappear with injury. e.g. a leg that always gets mangled in the same custom way.
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 12:53 PM CDT
1. FULL BODY scarring - i.e. scars that "appear all over the visible skin"

2. This is a question instead: would scars appear in the Features section, Tattoo/Piercings, or Wounds? I'm not sure which I'd prefer TBH.

3. 25% interest: Make it so non-standard location scars can be set to visible or hidden using a verb catch (I wish Tattoos did this instead of requiring cosmetics)

4. Move branding into scarring category rather than tattoo (this might be more trouble than its worth)

5. Add beading and subdermal body modification into scarring or tattooing system (I'm looking at you, Tehir!)

6. The choice and ability to have the scar actually impact your functionality. I.E. Character is scarred horribly across the face and has a missing eye? He has an immovable L3 scar on his eye. If he wants to get rid of the hindrance, he loses his fancy scar too.

7. Most importantly: please let me keep my existing scars. If that's not feasible, have them transported to the new system without impact to their design, etc. They have major sentimental value (1, Naamit's body-full-of-scars (feature system) which she's had since like 2001, and 2, a faint scar on her neck (tattoo system), which was given as a "mark" from Mularos).
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 01:30 PM CDT

plate in the lip and neck stretching please
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 02:12 PM CDT
You have my attention. :D

If it's based on body slots like the tattoo system, it'd be nice to see the location description able to be refined further and show at a glance like a feature instead of being generalized like the tattoo system currently is. Such as, dude's got a thin, ragged scar tracing a path across his forehead, or a series of pitted white scars marring the knuckles of his left hand, rather than our current limitations with the tattoo system that indicate it's just... somewhere on the head or an arm (which? where? who knows), etc. If she's got a puckered scar on her right bicep, let me tell just by looking at her, if she's wearing no arm covering, that's on her right bicep, not somewhere on one of her arms and have to look closer to figure out where.

Interaction with your scars - like tattoos, give us some verb traps. And to build upon that, make some of them customizable. Our markings, their acquisition, and the emotional baggage that goes with them are all highly unique, being able to customize how that 'rub scar' messaging reads from person to person, to reflect some of that depth, would be rad. Have a scar that mars an expression-heavy feature like an eyebrow, a nose, an eye, a lip? Having a customizable verb that interacts with your scar would give you another vector for refining your expressions. And another interesting rare merchant service for some to pine for. (And another avenue for pre-written 'custom' messaging.)

>5. Add beading and subdermal body modification into scarring or tattooing system (I'm looking at you, Tehir!) -Naamit
Reiterating this one. A broad range of scarring techniques should be allowable, ESPECIALLY if they're part of official lore.

Cendadric says, "Hmm, a most impressive weapon of note. I'll give you 110 silver coins for it."
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 03:49 PM CDT

>>The ability to hide them with curing, and to get them to reappear with injury. e.g. a leg that always gets mangled in the same custom way.

Love this idea.
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 04:31 PM CDT
Yes, please.

Would be interesting to imbed small items. Also scars made from various types of burns. Also scars from brands, i.e., with letters or symbols.
Re: Scars 06/01/2017 09:56 PM CDT
I'd just like for my character to have a simple, permanent scar that's coverable with clothing. I'd also prefer for it to be my character's choice whether people can see the scar or not, assuming it's somewhere not immediately visible like his forehead. Whether they appear in the tattoo slot, wound slot, or a whole new line doesn't quite matter. I'm assuming general alteration rules would apply, 15/15/15 + a show or a long. Throwing in a few interactive verbs, either default or custom, would also be nice to reflect how the character feels about the scar. As Mourne pointed out, having a custom verb would make for a fun, if rare, merchant opportunity. I'd also like to echo that it'd be nice to have a variety of disfigurement be accepted, such as branding, various burns, areas of removed tissue, or typical scars.
Re: Scars 06/02/2017 03:17 AM CDT
You guys are most excellent with the suggestions so far, thank you!

As a note, for any others that are incoming -- definitely assume I'm talking about scars that are like features/tatts -- not the regular injury system scars. That's a whole other ball game.

>>3. 25% interest: Make it so non-standard location scars can be set to visible or hidden using a verb catch (I wish Tattoos did this instead of requiring cosmetics)

This one in particular I had a question about, since I'm not entirely clear on what you mean. Is this like... verb to toggle visibility rather than having to wear the appropriate clothing or whatnot piece to cover it up? Elaborate when you're able, if you can, so that I get a better idea of feasibility ;)


From nearby, you hear Ordim yell, "Dont eat meeeeee!"

The shaggy mutt sniffs at a vine-painted mistwood keg, then grabs it in its teeth and greedily wolfs it down before anyone can grab it!
Re: Scars 06/02/2017 08:10 AM CDT
I'm sure this could be covered under the generic rules for feature alterations, but it's worth noting that different types of injuries cause different types of scars. Scalds, burns, puncture wounds and so on are all quite different from one another. I would love to see some options where you could use descriptors for those effects- say, a scald would be a series of web-like scars across her <part>, a burn could have all kinds of variety depending on how nasty the original injury was. I'd have to dig up some scar assessment scales and see if I can get some baseline wordings to post here.


Ysharra says, "One day, I'm going to have "What?" inscribed on your tombstone, with lots of helpful punctuation."
Re: Scars 06/02/2017 08:36 AM CDT
>>3. 25% interest: Make it so non-standard location scars can be set to visible or hidden using a verb catch (I wish Tattoos did this instead of requiring cosmetics) -Me

>> This one in particular I had a question about, since I'm not entirely clear on what you mean. Is this like... verb to toggle visibility rather than having to wear the appropriate clothing or whatnot piece to cover it up? Elaborate when you're able, if you can, so that I get a better idea of feasibility ;) ~Kaikala

Yes - a verb to toggle visibility since, like in the tattoo system, we can't possibly wear clothing on every single body part (e.g. ankles) and we're also given the opportunity to have tattoos in a miscellaneous slot which is always visible (e.g. 'palm' instead of just 'hand'). Maybe it's unrealistic and I should settle for the vanishing cream. ;)

As others have suggested, I, too, like the idea a slew of fancy verbs to interact with the scars. One request though: please don't force emotional responses in all messaging. Some scars may be painful while others may not be. Scratching might not always be relieving, etc.

P.S. Let us all know if you would like help with messaging!
Re: Scars 06/02/2017 10:39 AM CDT
>Yes - a verb to toggle visibility since, like in the tattoo system, we can't possibly wear clothing on every single body part (e.g. ankles) and we're also given the opportunity to have tattoos in a miscellaneous slot which is always visible (e.g. 'palm' instead of just 'hand'). Maybe it's unrealistic and I should settle for the vanishing cream. ;)

Just to add another layer of reasoning -

There's a limit to how smart a system can be when it comes to whether or not to cover something based on slot. Depending on the design, the coverage may or may not make sense.

Just as an example... Raelee has a lot of tattoos people never see - including a pretty large design on her back. I had a Nalea gown once that was backless. Since gowns are chestworn, it covered the back tattoo even though logically it shouldn't have. That bugged me too much to ever wear the gown... so I just sold it instead. (Not to mention, her arm tattoos should probably be covered by her robes... but they aren't. There's a lot that doesn't make sense.) It might be nice to have stuff cover tattoos/scars based on slot by default... but with some options to override that with a toggle.

Raelee and her Strings

>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, "See? Raelee knows all."
Re: Scars 06/02/2017 11:19 AM CDT
Please let the tattoo-hiding creams work with them for those occasions where it's nice to have your character wearing something that might normally reveal said scar (I'm looking at you, pin-worn clothes) but you don't actually want said scar jumbling up everything else that can be seen on your character.

Seconding a number of Naamit's suggestions:
- Fully body scarring
- Include branding, beading, subdermals as part of the scarring options
- If at all possible, allow for characters to have their existing tattoo- or feature-based scars converted over to the new system (presumably via assist).

Seconding Mourne's suggestion of interaction via verb traps. Even better, that suggestion of customizable interaction type option for individual scars. How cool! (This also reminds me of a couple custom verbs that people have gotten over the years and should not detract from what they have had done.)

Specific scarring types I'd like to see:
- Incision-based - your typical 'cut'-type scar
- Skin removal-based scarring, which can create a pattern affecting a much broader area than just cutting
- Branding
- Visible keloiding depending on the scar type... or aftercare after getting it done!
- Similarly, pale/flat/indented scars depending on the scar type or aftercare.
- Scars that look like they're from battle - ragged, jagged, or uneven in appearance, or a series of slash marks as if from talons/claws, etc
- Puncture-based - from a bite, incisors, fangs, arrows, stilettos, etc
- Burning - another one that would affect a large area and could encompass massive amounts of fire trauma, scalding, etc, and results in tight, leathery skin that is visibly discolored and not able to grow hair due to permanent follicle damage
- Cold-induced scarring, typically for extremities from frostbite, but hey! Why not combine with super-chilled irons a la branding!
- Chemical-induced scarring, your typical acid accident where skin might end up discolored and with chemical burns, with permanent pockmarks or other larger pits

It'd also be really neat to see some minor disfigurements that would NOT plausibly interfere with basic mechanics to be supported by this. A couple of examples:
- A missing finger, or missing part of a finger (to the first/second knuckle) on one hand
- Ear disfigurements, such as pointed tips lopped off or visible changes from a rounded ear that has been shipped/pinched to look more pointed - this is something I can really see half-elves especially having the potential to take advantage of

- Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.
Re: Scars 06/02/2017 11:20 AM CDT
I forgot to add love for our extra-appendaged characters. Aelotian wings should definitely be valid for being affected by scarring, too!

- Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.
Re: Scars 06/02/2017 01:10 PM CDT
Speaking of wings: I'd like to see some kind of deep tissue trauma from torn flesh for a future possible IC scenario where Roh decides to part company with her ice wings and she has the scarring to show for it.

>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom'l
Re: Scars 06/03/2017 05:43 PM CDT
I'd like to see some of us who have things blow up in our hands from time to time have the possibility of "a blackened scar" on one hand.

Also, a scar in the form of parallel lines - like claw marks - would be kind of cool.

Re: Scars 06/04/2017 10:31 AM CDT

>>I'd like to see some of us who have things blow up in our hands from time to time have the possibility of "a blackened scar" on one hand.

be a bard.

Or be a clunk who has to learn the hard way that you can't mix potions just because they are potions.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)