Black ora mace: +4PF ranks, +3 CON Bonus 03/15/2011 02:42 AM CDT
4. A maple-hafted black ora mace:

2x enchant and flares ice
+4 PF Ranks (lvl 14)
+ 3 Constitution BONUS (lvl 13)
Enhancive Charges: giantman

MB: 40k
Re: Black ora mace: +4PF ranks, +3 CON Bonus 03/19/2011 02:36 PM CDT
4. A maple-hafted black ora mace:

2x enchant and flares ice
+4 PF Ranks (lvl 14)
+ 3 Constitution BONUS (lvl 13)
Enhancive Charges: giantman

MB: 40k

This will go to the pawnshop tomorrow if no one buys it.