write reply not working 04/10/2018 08:53 PM CDT
Below is what I'm running into when trying to change an item that is ready for delivery. I spelled one word wrong and would like to fix that. The problem is that the item is gone. Sadie's got it. I can't hold it in my hand to WRITE REPLY. Any ideas on how to fix it?

You glance over your alterer's scroll and read,
"I, xxxxxxx, request to have my item altered (you don't have it on you): Please make this robe " xxxxxxxxx " Thank you!"

The merchant's last response was: I can do this work for 300 points. You can READ your scroll for details of how it will appear. Please WRITE ACCEPT if this is okay.

The finished item will be xxxxxxxxx.
This alteration is priced at 0 silver, and will be drawn from the First Elanith Bank in Wehnimer's Landing.
This alteration will cost 300 premium points.

Your item is out for delivery! To get your item, just WRITE ACCEPT, and it will replace this alterer's scroll in your hand.
>write reply please make it "yyyyyyyyyyy"

Your alterer's scroll is smudged. To fix it, hold the item you want altered in your LEFT hand and type READ MY scroll.
Re: write reply not working 04/10/2018 08:56 PM CDT
>Your item is out for delivery! To get your item, just WRITE ACCEPT, and it will replace this alterer's scroll in your hand.

You're past the point where you can write reply. The work's been done. You've already accepted it once in order for it to get to this point. You need to do so again to get the finished item in hand. Any other changes will have to be a new transaction.

Walsor Gryhm says, "Hmm, a most impressive weapon of note. I'll give you 16 silver coins for it."
You think to yourself, "This deal is getting worse all the time."