Sonic Raffle 11/02/2015 11:49 AM CST
A sonic raffle has been set up in Cholen's Haunt in the Bard Guild on Four Winds Isle. High Musician Vilana invites bards to try their luck in a raffle for a sonic alteration! For the winner, she will customize the sonic item of the bard's choice: a Sonic Shield, Sonic Weapon, Sonic Armor, or Singing Sword. Tickets will be 25,000 silvers, and the winner must pay 75,000 additional silvers. Wins are not transferable and must be redeemed at the time of the raffle (so you must be present at the drawing). You don't have to be able to sing the song to receive the alteration; it will be ready when you are! (However, you must be able to enter the guild to enter the raffle.)

~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru
Re: Sonic Raffle 11/02/2015 01:35 PM CST
"You don't have to be able to sing the song to receive the alteration; it will be ready when you are!" -- Kynlee's announcement

This represents a departure from previously stated policy; is it intended that this raffle is special, or is this the way things are going to work from now on?

Specifically, both Dancing Weapon/1025 and Animal Companions/630 alterations/grooming used to require the caster to know/be able to summon the relevant thing being altered/groomed. I have not-entered raffles for one or the other due to being below the relevant level, and want to know if I can look forward to actually being able to do so from now on.

Re: Sonic Raffle 11/03/2015 09:36 AM CST

The "change" is nothing new. For around a year now (Or longer, I've only been back for a year.) this has been the case with sonic alterations... However not sure on Dancing Weapon. Animal Companion makes sense because not every ranger will get the same companion... what if I groom my Racoon but end up getting a Panther? Sonic is tied to the character... 1025 Seems much the same. Regardless you will eventually get that spell. Animal Companions are a whole different animal.
Re: Sonic Raffle 11/03/2015 10:17 AM CST

I'm glad to hear that, because--with the new Continuous Login benefits from 'boost'--I have discovered that I have not two, but THREE, Bards in my stable of characters. :)

At least one of them is likely to be a normal weapon-swinger through his whole career.