Sonic Raffle - Premium - FWI 11/04/2014 01:38 PM CST
A tinkling of musical notes precedes a lilting voice raised in song, "Clefford is offering a chance at a sonic alteration. You'll find the raffle table in a quiet location. Off with you now, to Cholen's Haunt on Four Winds Isle. It's your chance to make your sonic gear stand out in style."

Tickets are 25k with an additional 75k due at the time of redemption. The raffle will draw tomorrow at 8 p.m. ET, and you must be present to win. Please read the ticket for more information.

Re: Sonic Raffle - Premium - FWI 11/05/2014 04:13 PM CST
Could I be grubby and greedy, and request one in Plat, too? :) Whenever it's convenient for you.

(I'm sorry if I've been missing the announcements!)
Re: Sonic Raffle - Premium - FWI 11/06/2014 12:36 AM CST
Plat will definitely have one later this month. I had a meeting to attend this evening and didn't want to overlap my attention. Keep a look out for a post on the plat boards as well as on the calendar.

Re: Sonic Raffle - Premium - FWI 11/06/2014 02:34 AM CST
Yay! Thank you so much!