Bardfest Approaches! – 7/17 through 7/19 and 7/23/12! 05/05/2012 07:13 PM CDT
This Koaratos, the House of the Argent Aspis will be hosting the 17th Annual Bardfest!

Aspis' celebration of Elanthian culture and creativity runs from Koaratos 17th through 19th (7/17 – 7/19), and concludes with the finals on Koaratos 23rd (7/23/12). All aspiring performers are encouraged to pre-register to ensure that you get a coveted performance slot in Elanthia’s oldest festival. Please register here:

Everyone has a story to tell, a song in their hearts, and poetry behind their eyes-- Share your performance art at Bardfest this year! Argent Aspis has been proud and honored to host this event, and we invite you to become a part of one of the longest-running tales in Elanthia.

Our Grand Prize will be ten million silvers, and the winner's name will be inscribed for all time on the Bardfest Trophy on display in the Wehnimer's Landing museum, alongside all our past winners.

Runners-up will receive comparable sums and in addition, Argent Aspis has commissioned a master artisan to craft an instrument to award to the Best New Voice! All attendees are ensured several evenings of the best entertainment Elanthia has to offer.

See our Bardfest Rules for rules and details on how performances are judged.

-Seomanthe Bartley

~ 17th Annual House of the Argent Aspis Bardfest ~ Grand Prize - 10 million silver
~ Koaratos 17th-19th (7/17 - 7/19), Finals on the 23rd (7/23/12)

P.S. Thanks Berkana ;)
Re: Bardfest Approaches! – 7/17 through 7/19 and 7/23/12! 07/16/2012 12:43 AM CDT

... just out of curiosity, where were the trophies put in the Museum rebuild?