Avalon Issues 04/02/2016 11:00 AM CDT
I've stopped running Avalon in favor RDP-ing into a Windows machine.

Ixix mentioned that he'd like us to bring up our Avalon issues here, so I figured I'd post what keeps me from using it.

The #1 reason for me is that it doesn't (appear to) use the XML feed. That means:

* There's no obvious indicator of the "cutely" hidden objects in room descriptions. I really don't want to go back to the guessing games of 1996 to look at every possible noun, especially as new rooms are built assuming players have a FE with those links.

* No GUI for Stamina, encumbrance, bounty, active spells, or society task.

Beyond that, the minor issues I could work around:

* As I've mentioned before, the character settings manager is rather buggy.

* Mind status GUI doesn't show a difference between numbed, fried, and saturated. (Not sure if that's an XML thing or not; I forget what the Wizard feed provides.)

* No way to view wounds and scars at the same time on the GUI.

I know using the XML feed is a major re-write, which is why I've never requested it and don't expect it to happen. That's not on Ixix, though, that's on Simu.
Re: Avalon Issues 04/02/2016 06:33 PM CDT

I'll add inability to scroll back to view missed text. The window returns to the bottom entry whenever new text is added.

The countdown timers have, after long sessions, stopped working.

The inability to stop screen scroll makes the game virtually unplayable during busy, scroll heavy events.
Re: Avalon Issues 04/02/2016 11:28 PM CDT
>>The window returns to the bottom entry whenever new text is added.

Some of us lobbied to get this feature. The game would be unplayable for me without it, as the window was regularly not advancing so I would not see what was happening and kept getting killed before it was added. However, there is a checkbox under preferences where you can turn it off if you prefer.

I do use Avalon, but I still use YASSE for a script engine. I would love to be able to use the latest Avalon version with the native script engine, but since the only way to kill a script before it ends is to start another script it just does not work for me, because what that really does is hang the script for a very long time before it actually cancels it. If there were a better kill switch for scripts, I would be very happy with Avalon.


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Avalon Issues 04/03/2016 11:24 AM CDT

The previous version of Avalon which I was using would allow the scroll to be stopped when scrolling back and would resume when a new command was entered. The inability to pause the scroll to see something which was missed makes the game very difficult, at times.
Re: Avalon Issues 04/03/2016 01:03 PM CDT
For the XML feed and the related things (like a stamina bar, bounty/society/whatever windows, etc) that pretty much requires a ground up rewrite. I've screwed around with it but I don't have anything that's anywhere near reliable or usable, so I've pretty much resigned myself to starting a new version from scratch at some point.

The scrolling thing - that has been a real pain but it's something that I can try to address now, without having to redo everything. It's supposed to stop auto-scrolling if you've manually scrolled up a bit to read something - but the problem is that there's a slight bit of fuzziness with the math for the scroll bar data that Avalon gets, so I had to add some fuzziness into the 'is it close enough to auto-scroll' and it ends up being a little too scroll happy. I'll see what I can do.

As for the RT timer getting stuck - I had that happen to me the other day too actually, but I haven't been able to figure out why.

I'll see what I can do to add an explicit stop script command (and a way to run scripts from a sub-directory which I do remember somebody suggesting).

This stuff tends to take a while to get through and posted to the site, so I do appreciate your patience, but I'm making this a priority for myself.

Re: Avalon Issues 04/03/2016 06:19 PM CDT
>>I'll see what I can do to add an explicit stop script command (and a way to run scripts from a sub-directory which I do remember somebody suggesting).

This would make me very happy. Thank you for considering it. YASSE just uses command-period to stop the script. But any simple keystroke command that ends the script without trying to start a new one and thus hanging the script engine would be great.

Actually, one other but far less important point: I also like that YASSE allows you to call scripts from subfolders of the script folder. That one is really just about convenience and organization than functionality, but hey, as long as we are giving suggestions. :)



"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Avalon Issues 04/03/2016 07:05 PM CDT
I appreciate the attention you're giving this, and I know it's not a small task.

Thanx, Ixix.
Re: Avalon Issues 04/04/2016 12:24 PM CDT

Indeed, thank you Ixix. Still seems it would be nice if Simu would put resources to providing the means for subscribers to play instead of relying upon volunteer development, but your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Re: Avalon Issues 06/04/2016 02:58 PM CDT
>I'll see what I can do to add an explicit stop script command (and a way to run scripts from a sub-directory which I do remember somebody suggesting).

Just checking--any progress on adding the stop script feature? It's what's stoping me from using Avalon script engine.


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Avalon Issues 06/04/2016 07:09 PM CDT
Oh - yes! I put the thread under the wrong category - sorry about that!

I've moved the Avalon 4.3.3 thread into this category, I think that this link should work, but if not, it's the 'Avalon 4.3.3' thread in this category now:


To answer your specific question - once you download 4.3.3, you can use 'k' as the script name, so probably:


Unless you changed the 'start script' character to something other than a period to stop any currently running script.
