Suggestion: luck talismans help with gaining ranks? 08/06/2014 10:30 AM CDT
This is mainly borne out of forging, but it would be neat for alchemy-made luck talismans to add a bonus to the roll that determines whether you achieve a rank or not. A +1 for minor luck talismans, +2 for lesser luck talismans, and +3 for greater luck talismans....I'm pretty sure the duration on these is about 20-25 minutes (could be less), so would be extremely expensive to use, even if you're a master alchemist, but when you're at rank 499, I imagine every bit can count. (I'm at 489 in crafting)

Just an idea.

- Player of Kembal (the alchemist) and NotKembal (the forger)

Speaking to Plur, Belnia says, "You're no Kembal."