Yllyc Simisiri hosts an evening of Code Poems 8/21 10pm ET 08/12/2012 09:19 AM CDT
As part of Frontier Days, the Aelotoi of Yllyc Simisiri are hosting an evening of Code Poems on Tuesday, 8/21 at 10pm ET in the tent outside Helga's Tavern. Everyone is invited to share in the Aelotian tradition and share their own Code Poems; information about Code Poems and an example are available on Yllyc Simisiri's website at https://sites.google.com/site/thewindborne/creativeworks/codepoem. Those who share their own poem will receive a small trinket of appreciation.

Even if you have no poem to share, come join us in the fun of deciphering the codes shared by others!

~Lady Traiva Verethundi, Left Wing of Yllyc Simisiri
...and her Muse