Git yerselfs ready ya'll 01/25/2014 07:30 AM CST
A'right folks. Fer dem dat weren't der las' night be a'lookin' like we be in fer a fight. Might be wrong, might not be. Reckon tis best dat ya'll git yer hin'parts ready fer war. Her's what ever'one's gonna does.

1. Alla ya has got ta has yer own aid kit. Dis kit's gotta has alla da herbs'n potions ya needs ta git yerslef fixed up quick-like so's ya can keep a'fightin. I knows we has empaths in our ranks, but may be dey won't be with ya's when ya needs healin'.

2. Gots ta has a cheap bow'n at least a hunnerd arrows wit ya. Dis is cheap. Try'n has yer arrows e-bladed. Jus' uses da cheap wood arrows from da fletcher. Don't sink no coins in pricey arrows on accounta ya can't picks em up when yer firin' from inside a tower. Dis be mos' import'nt fer youngins in da ranks. Works good fer folks workin' off death sting too. Towers is yer friends. Can't tell ya's how many times a good shot from someone up in a tower's saved m'bacon.

3. Triage. Dis be da weakest point in all invasions. Da Drakes is gonna has da best triage cause we gonna work on it. I has a plan fer triage dat might make it better'n safer. Jus' cause yer in a sanct don't makes ya safe. Seen plen'y of em broke.

4. Towers. I ain't been roun' fer a bit, so's I ain't sure how da stockin' a towers is done no more, what wit' alla da diff'rent groups about da landin. Reckon it be fer da best dat we jus' takes in on ourselfs till I hears diff'rent. I want loggin' parties out'n I want arrows stock'd in da towers. Try's ta git alla da logs blessed if'n ya can. Might not be a'seein no undead, but best ta has em'n not needs em, den ta needs em'n not has em. Fer dis too I wants alla ya ta start a'lookin fer youngin's dat mighta jus' fell off'n da turnip wagon. Tells em how an' why ta log. Teach 'em 'bouts da towers. Tells 'em how ta uses 'em'n what dey needs ta carry ta use em right. Dis means bows'n arrows. Be patient wit' 'em. R'members...ever'one can does sump'tin ta help in dark times, no matter how trained ya is. If you yerself don't know how ta uses a tower, den don't be a'feared ta ask someone. Alla da older Drakes knows towers, er should. Might be time fer a refresher I reckon.

5. Folks is gonna die. Git deeds. Period. If ya wants...git yerselfs some chrisms too. If dis goes da way dis sorta stuff's gone a'fore, ya can't count on alla da clerics dat raises ta has, er even be able ta makes, chrisms.

Dis be all I has fer now. Now, I ain't warmonger'n. All I'se a'sayin' is dat we needs ta be more ready den we is now.

Ya'll has questions, ask.

Only the dead have seen the end of war - Plato

Radeek Andoran
General, Drakes Vanguard