Construction of our Building 02/15/2007 02:23 PM CST
Fellow members,

As my diagrams are large files and do not send easily, I am posting them here:

You can email me at or IM me at GS Gilliane. A frenzy of planning is in the works as we strive to meet the deadline for submitting our ideas.

Siusan Arfalas,
Officer of Stormwild Hall
Re: Construction of our Building 03/27/2009 05:57 PM CDT

Gill sweetie... hometown seems to have been shut down. Do you have a new site I can see those at, please? (I moved back to the west coast & am trying to rebuild my files) Thanks!

And any word yet on completion dates? SOOOO looking forward to having our place! ::does a happy little jig at the thought::

Marionetta's puppeteer


"Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope." ~ Sanskrit Proverb