Ord an Dragan Event: Dancing on Darkstone Bay - Summer Sandal Soiree 07/07/2015 10:29 PM CDT
Please join us for our next event: Dancing on Darkstone Bay - Summer Sandal Soiree

Date: Feastday (Saturday ), 8th of Phoenatos (August)
Time: 9PM Elven
Location: Wehnimer's, Bay's Watch East

Come enjoy the warm summer breezes off Darkstone Bay and revel in the festivities at Ord an Dragan’s, Dancing on Darkstone Bay - Summer Sandal Soiree! You’ll want to start rummaging through your lockers and browsing the shops for your favorite warm-weather garb or that strapless sundress that never gets worn. And of course, don’t forget your sandals! All prize winners MUST be wearing sandals. Your casual summer attire could win you big money! Judges will be awarding 100k to the male and female who sports the most festive summer attire. Guides will be available to escort attendees to the event from Wehnimer's, Town Square Southwest.

Forget your hunting woes or that unsuccessful bounty.
Partake of the season’s most delicious fare
And mingle with your friends proudly.
Spend some time relaxing on this summer’s eve far from the fray
And dance the night away under the stars over Darkstone Bay!

To our members, please be sure to promote this event, we love a great turn out for a dance!

We will also be hosting some dancing lessons before the party so we'll all have a chance to put our best foot (feet?) forward at the event!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

~ Sirona
Re: Ord an Dragan Event: Dancing on Darkstone Bay - Summer Sandal Soiree 09/27/2015 07:54 PM CDT
Hi all,

I just wanted to give a quick recap of last evening Ord an Dragan's Dancing on Darkstone Bay: Howling at the Harvest Moon dance. We had a great turn out with over 30 guests attending the event. We hope you all had a good time and enjoyed some time celebrating Autumn, Imaera and the Harvest Moons with us.

In addition, we had the pleasure of a visit by Headmistress Surofee from The Wellington Home Orphanage. She was kind enough to come by and spend some time mingling with guests and thanking those who were generous enough to donate to the children of Elanthia.

The Poem and Song Contest brought out some extremely talented individuals! I have provided the participants and their creative works below.

Contest Participants:

Rivienne - *1st Place*
Rivienne sings wistfully:
"I long to sing a song of bounty and a Lady's verdant reign,
A serenade to those who toil and sweat to reap the golden grain"
"Bonfire embers and autumn hues would flare and deepen with my tone,
And as my voice rings out the harvest moons shine down 'round me alone"
"But it's best I bite my tongue and lip and bury beneath deep cowl,
For dogs in town answer my singing voice - it sounds quite like a howl!"

Falvicar - *2nd Place*
Falvicar recites quietly:
"The kobolds scurry faster
as autumn comes around."
"To increase their hoard of goods
their cunning shows no bounds"
"A pilfered gem, a lifted shirt
Some tasty rotted food
"An aged old scotch, or cheese and wine
will put them in the mood"
"To enjoy Imearas blessing
and dance under the harvest moon."
"They'll dress up in their finest
and play upon kazoos."

Regwen - *3rd Place*
Regwen recites:
"Dew shines on the years last flowers
with the suns first faint rays."
"Should I stay or go southward now
I must decide today."
"Once upon a night I had to
Though leaves all blew away."
"But now as the harvest moon sets
and winter snows soon play"
"My heart is drawn ever southward
to warm wind upon the Bay"
"A traveling minstrel I am
of dreams I sing and play."

Dagor recites:
"The final autumn leaf
clings to the skeletal branch
its life is in the balance "

The voice of Solmarar sings:
"Life without a tart is always very quaint
So give me a chocolate filled tart, but be aware I may confuse it for a date
Evil plot to open Ebon's Gate to release all the undead
A bakery run by undead the tarts will NEVER END!"

Anemegus recites:
"Cut, slash, arterial spray. Arms, legs, and entrailes, random as they lay. "
"Weapons of war, stained crimmson and wet. Cruelty of warcraft, not soon to forget."
"Empaths and Clerics quick to arrive. Healing and magic, all soon be alive."
"Take from this poem oh makers of war. Your effort is fruitless conjure no more."

Ridic recites:
"Summers harvest moon
Season's change affect us all
Delicate Blossom"

Kaldonis recites hoarsely:
"I went to the Wellington House
When all were sleeping, quiet as a mouse..."
"An animated gnome at my side
All around the room, poisoned candies I did hide"
"The Headmistress arrived and said, "What is all this?"
Then Councilman Deylan, he did infect me with the moulis
"Well this is just the Harvest-Moon's family charm
Sometimes we like to enjoy...just a little bit of harm."

Chamorr recites heartily:
"' the golden leaves the fall with out a sound
the colors all around me lying on the ground
but, oh for pities sake
i'm in the warrior guild they've given me a rake

Finally, I would like to thank all those who helped to make this event a success. Special thank you to Headmistress Surofee of The Wellington Home Orphanage, Chamorr, Aoife, Kreager, Tykeara, Ilnock and all the members who came out to support the dance, engaged our guests and had fun. And of course, our guests and contest participants - thank you so much for coming out!

Looking forward to our next Ord an Dragan event!

Re: Ord an Dragan Event: Dancing on Darkstone Bay - Summer Sandal Soiree 09/27/2015 09:58 PM CDT
Looks like it was a fantastic event!
Re: Ord an Dragan Event 09/30/2015 06:10 PM CDT
It was a lot of fun. Seems I posted my follow up under wrong subject.