The Ord an Dragan Gazzette 05/18/2014 11:30 PM CDT
This is the first issue of The Ord an Dragan Gazette, a newsletter for and about the happenings

in and around Ord an Dragan.


For those of you that haven't heard Tykeara has stepped down as Thane after many years

of service and Dedication to our beloved Baile and to her we offer our much deserved gratitude,

love, and respect for a job well done.


Goldeath has finally finished his training and has joined the ranks of oldtimers, however, soon after

completing his quest he was called away on a journey of unknown duration. We wish him a speedy

return to us.

******NEW MEMBERS****

I am most happy to report that our Baile is growing with four new members, Featherstripe, Burbul,

Masrath and Orsu. Three cheers for them, and when you see them say hi and welcome them on board.


Ord an Dragan has had some new officers installed and with much luck and guidance from the members

the Baile looks to a future filled with friendship, prosperity and some fun.

Ord an Dragan's new Thane is Chamorr and Secretary is Aoife. The position of Reeve is open and any member

interested(and I hope you are) can contact Chamorr or Aoife.


on Sunday May 25 at 7pm elf Ord and Dragan will host a fishing frenzy 25k for each fish caught

and other prizes to be given. there should be no shortage of fishing tales there either so bring

your friends and lets make this a fun event.


Ord an Dragan will meet on the first Sunday of the month at 10 pm Eastern. all members should

attend and guests are always welcome

*****NPC CONTEST********

The Baile is getting an NPC and our own Leaena is putting together a contest open to the public

to put it together. Thanks Lea. we will have ore info in the future.


Hopefully this newsletter will come out once a month on a Sunday, but maybe it needs a good name

so members put your minds to work and come up with a good one.


Re: The Ord an Dragan Gazzette 05/18/2014 11:36 PM CDT
How about "The Dragon's Breath" for our newsletter name?