Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 04:15 PM CDT
So I upgrade my Mac to High Sierra and Lich no longer works. When I type the startup command in Terminal, xquartz does not start up and in Avalon I'll see the following message when it starts up. I will also get this message if I try to run any Lich script:

Lich: error: $SAFE=2 to 4 are obsolete
lich/lich.rbw:2533:in `block (3 levels) in <class:Script>'
lich/lich.rbw:2533:in `block (2 levels) in <class:Script>'

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 05:04 PM CDT
Hi, Tom - looks like Apple jumped to Ruby version 2.3 (probably 2.3.3).

Ruby beyond 2.2.5 (any Ruby 2.3 or 2.4) - doesn't work with Lich, presently.

Did you have this working on a previous Mac OS on this system?

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 05:58 PM CDT
Hi Doug,

It was working on my laptop (OS Sierra) before I upgraded it to the new OS

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 06:18 PM CDT
Ok, did you follow the instructions on the GSWiki to set up Sierra to play the game with Lich? (the instructions at )? If you did, we can try a couple of quick steps to see if we can get you in the game fairly quickly.

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 08:32 PM CDT
I had followed the instructions you posted last year under “Post Three - I Haven't Started Yet, and I'm not Alfred E. Newman!” (

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 08:45 PM CDT
Alright, let's see what we can do here.

Below, you'll find a list of commands that you'll need to enter in Terminal. Terminal is an application on every Mac system that allows you to enter Unix-style commands. If you've never used Terminal before, it is simply a console that you type information (commands) into and the system responds. It is in the Applications / Utilities folder, or you can simply use Spotlight (magnifying glass upper right corner on most Macs) to search for Terminal, and open it.

In Terminal, we're going to type the commands below. It is absolutely ok to copy and paste these commands into Terminal rather than type them in. You only need to copy the bold part.


brew pin gtk+
brew pin cairo
brew pin pango

brew doctor

(if you get any suggestions about updating, go ahead at that point - but don't select anything that suggests updating GTK+, Cairo or Pango)

brew install rbenv
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
rbenv init

rbenv install 2.2.5
rbenv global 2.2.5
rbenv rehash
which ruby
ruby -v

(which ruby should return your user directory, rather than the system directory, and ruby -v should return 2.2.5, instead of 2.3.3. If either of these do not match, stop and let me know, please).

gem install sqlite3
gem install gtk2

(if you get any errors, please stop and let me know)

That should do it, test the game just as you always used to sign in.

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 10:15 PM CDT
What does it say about my programming knowledge that when I read the commands for "GTK", I was thinking, "Greater Troll King"?
Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/08/2017 11:15 PM CDT
That you've been around long enough we should call you Age'ed Roe-bear.

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/09/2017 07:22 AM CDT
When I typed "brew doctor", I got a message about permissions to /usr/local. There was a message on how to fix the permission. I did that and ran it again. This time I got the following message:

Error: Failure while executing: /usr/bin/otool -L /usr/bin/install_name_tool

Unfortunately it doesn't give any more information

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/09/2017 10:40 AM CDT
Ok. Let's check a couple other fundamentals here, then. I'll be sending you an email.

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/09/2017 01:37 PM CDT
I'd just like to tag Doug with a +100

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Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/09/2017 08:34 PM CDT
You're too kind, LUXELLE. Thank you.

Couple of posts coming up that I would appreciate if Newsby could help announce for the next 30 days or so? Thanks!

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/09/2017 08:40 PM CDT
You can submit things directly ... because I miss stuff when the Forums website goes belly up on me. :(


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Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/09/2017 09:12 PM CDT
>>You can submit things directly

Ok, done! Hope it works, and hope it helps.

I'll be watching this closely over the next 30 days, then updating the gswiki article when I have enough actual examples / information. Then I'll update the message to the article rather than the forums.

Thanks for all you do, LUXELLE and team Newsby!

Re: Lich on Mac with High Sierra OS 10/10/2017 03:22 AM CDT
Thanks! It's in Tuesday's newsfeed.


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