Avalon Question 06/22/2020 01:42 AM CDT
I have a very strange question on an Avalon script.

The script is very simple. It is just designed for getting gems from boxes or other containers and putting them in my gempouch, with two command-line variables:

put open my pouch
put get %1 from my %2
put put %1 in my pouch
waitfor you put
put close my pouch

I have been using this for a very long time (previously with YASSE). A few days ago I installed Lich and have been using both Lich and the Avalon native script engine. This script is obviously for the latter.

Here is the weird part: the script still works fine for seventeen of my eighteen characters. But for one character, it will no longer work. I input the script in the same way as for all of the others, and I get "get what?" as a response, no matter what the gem or container are. I've tried it with a gem in his backpack, cloak, and a box. Same thing every time. However, if I just type "get <gem> from my cloak"--which is exactly what the output should be with the script--it works.

Is it possible that the one character somehow got corrupted--though he seems to be fine in every other way? And if so, is thee a fix for this?

Looking for any helpful thoughts. Thanks.



"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Avalon Question 06/22/2020 02:36 AM CDT
Further elaboration: I just had the same thing happen with that script with another character. However, in that case I know what happened: I hit the space bar an extra time after the script name before entering the first variable. I could get away with tat with YASSE; Avalon seems a lot picker about spacing. Anyway, it gave the same return as I am getting with the other character: "get what?: However, I went back and checked again, and I am not mistyping it with the first character. So somehow Avalon seems to think that I am adding an extra space before the variable or in some other way mistyping, but I have checked it multiple times and I am not doing so. Also, I checked my other short scripts (picking up items from the ground, etc,) that are written similarly with one or two command line variables, and all of the others work; it is just happening with this one script. I am baffled.


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Script weirdness 02/01/2021 10:08 PM CST
Some time ago I posted about a problem I was having getting a script to work for one specific character (post #322 in this folder). It was an Avalon native script and worked for all of my characters except for one. I am having a similar problem again, and with the same character. It is simple spellup script (the character is a wizard), and for some reason the script will not let him cast 406 or 401. Whether I prep using the spell number, the mnemonic, or the full spell name, I get "That is not something you can prep." The mnemonics work fine for casting 414,911, 503, 511, and 509, but not 401 and 406. But I have two wizards, and the script works fine for the other one. Again, it is the same character I had scripting weirdness with before, so I think it is the character, not the script.

This is not a huge deal because I use Lich for almost everything when scripting, but I would still like to figure it out. Any ideas, anyone?


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'It ws an Avalon native script
Re: Script weirdness 02/02/2021 08:34 AM CST
Since you are also using lich, consider reviewing the aliases stored for that one character. It's possible an errant "prep 401" got changed to odfgdfgdfgmalsfnbj.

Some lady softly says, "Naamit is over-rated."
You reply, speaking to the lady, "At least I have ratings."
Re: Script weirdness 02/02/2021 03:22 PM CST
Thanks. I don't think I have any aliases set, since I neither know how to set them nor now to check them. :)


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Script weirdness 02/02/2021 04:13 PM CST
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