macro to cast spell 10/04/2012 06:00 AM CDT
Isn't there someplace that lists the code to write macros? Like \r makes it hit the return button. Just a list of the simple stuff would be amazing.

All I want to do is hit a button to prep and cast a spell. No target, just prep and cast. Just for giggles lets say I want to prep and cast . . . . . 101. No idea what that is but it works as good as any for an example.

With a macro NOT a script. I had it working at one time but since crashed and lost everything and now I cant remember how to separate the prep and the cast.

Re: macro to cast spell 10/04/2012 06:06 AM CDT
The macros in StormFront give you the link to this page:

So something like \xincant 101\r?

Re: macro to cast spell 10/04/2012 06:12 AM CDT

Found the help button, doesn't help me with this. And I may actually need a target, myself, to make it work.
Re: macro to cast spell 10/04/2012 06:13 AM CDT

HA! Sorry, didn't see your reply there. No, not sorta. Exact. THANKS!
Re: macro to cast spell 10/04/2012 06:59 AM CDT
for bolt spells you will want something like \xstance off\rinc 306\rstance guard\r
for channelled spells I prep separately and then use \xstow rune\rstance off\rchannel target\r for maximum oomph, or just \xchannel target\r if something might take a swing at me in the next few seconds.