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Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/07/2022 07:43 PM CST
>The first question a good friend of mine asked me after this announcement was "Is this the first step in shutting down GS?"

Liquidate the least essential aspects of a business (cut the fat). In this case, drop the forums support since it's not a high traffic area. Discord is widely used and accepted (not just by players here, but by millions and millions of other people) and as far as I know, Discord is free.

Then eventually, one day, you'll try to log into the game and you won't be able to connect. You'll try Discord and the GSIV server will be offline (no longer found). So you'll try to check the game status on Facebook or Twitter and you won't find the user accounts and then it'll click in your mind to try - only to find that site is no longer active.

Then, after everything is shut down, one last email blast to all accounts will be sent out saying something along the lines of:

"Thanks for all the, um, memories. We, the game masters, will always remember all the good times. Gemstone IV is no longer in operation. Have a good life!"
Re: Shutting Down the Forums - bulk archiving request 01/07/2022 07:59 PM CST
> Naamit, "historical posts" of what? By whom? Are you just looking for NIR posts, because I routinely look at "all of those in lots of topics in lots of categories", probably 2-4 times per year when I'm looking for something.

I'd lobby for every post, Krakii. NIR and customer alike. All directories, folders, subfolders, etc. Think about how impossible it's been to identify whose legacy lives on at Halcyon Hills. Consider the defects you've posted about over the years, enhancements, suggestions, discoveries - If it isn't captured, it's toast. Can you remember all those details? Doubtful.

Some lady softly says, "Naamit is over-rated."
You reply, speaking to the lady, "At least I have ratings."
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/08/2022 10:20 AM CST



(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Shutting Down the Forums - bulk archiving request 01/08/2022 10:29 AM CST
Okay, you meant an actual save.

Hard-disk space is pretty cheap. <shrug> It'd be boring as crap to do, but "print to Adobe PDF driver" for thousands of posts per display wouldn't be that tough.

But that would be "someone sinking time into it," rather than any sort of automated system.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/08/2022 10:31 AM CST
BBRodriguez, your message ought to differentiate between the GMs--who don't get paid a whole hell of a lot, and are the ones providing most of the customer satisfaction here--and Simutronics / their corporate overlords. (Remember that the firm got purchased by some Scandinavian [Swedish?] company a few years ago.)

Wyrom as much as said that the Forum decision is above his head, which largely means: someone in Simutronics or their bosses said so.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/08/2022 10:34 AM CST

>>I can't say it didn't cross my mind.

I thought the same.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Shutting Down the Forums - bulk archiving request 01/08/2022 01:56 PM CST
I don't know if it'd actually work, but something like WebCopy or HTTrack might be able to scrape the whole of these forums for offline usage... which then, could be perused for copying over to the GSWiki, even after the forums get taken down.

(More info: )

~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Imaeran Inquisitor
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/08/2022 03:32 PM CST

nothing says appropriately communicating like shutting down avenues of communication.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums - bulk archiving request 01/09/2022 07:31 AM CST
I appreciate the suggestions on third party tools that can be used, but that's not what I am questioning. Individual players are piecemeal doing this already in some fashion or another.

I am lobbying toward Wyrom & Co specifically because Simutronics owns the site, and as such have the final say over if and how they want it to be preserved. That preservation benefits their own Game Masters, too. Lack of recordkeeping and discontinuity is why we end up with misunderstandings and contradictions in game lore, game history, game mechanics, and more.

Some lady softly says, "Naamit is over-rated."
You reply, speaking to the lady, "At least I have ratings."
Re: Shutting Down the Forums - bulk archiving request 01/09/2022 03:44 PM CST
I'll be foregoing my usual long-winded post this time because it isn't necessary. Nice and short:

This is an incredibly dumb decision.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/10/2022 06:51 AM CST
Cross posting this from the Premium OOC Meeting log:

Clunk deeply asks, "Can you provide some information on 'the foruns going away'. What it means, what alternatives will be, and how we can interact (if allowed) as the change is made?"

Speaking to Clunk, you say, "I really can't give you much more than this: We're aware of the feedback, and discussions are ongoing. We're going to have something in place before we just delete the forums. Will it be perfect? Probably not, but we'll keep working at it until we get it as good as it can be."

Clunk deeply asks, "And interacting as this goes forward?"

Speaking to Clunk, you say, "Well, for now the forums still exist. And they'll likely still be there tomorrow. Feel free to use them for now. I assure you they're being read."

- Andreas
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/10/2022 01:14 PM CST
Shutting down the forums is a bad idea. And I say this as someone who thinks these forums are so outdated they are barely functional, but I'd STILL take that over not having the forums at all. Both discord and the wiki have great uses, but neither of them is a suitable replacement for the forums.

If this announcement was that the old forums were being shut down to be replaced with newer more functional forums, then great! But if they are just being shut down with no substitute, information about the game, events, towns, etc, will become far far more difficult to track down and keep up with.

This seems like a bad decision, and I hope either more information will be forthcoming to make sense of this, or that this decision gets reversed.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/11/2022 01:01 PM CST
In an effort to make sure we deliver appropriate communication; we are going to remove our primary means of communication. Did the government take over Simutronics?
Shutting Down the Forums 01/12/2022 10:23 AM CST
Is it really that expensive to run a basic forum? Maybe we can start selling add space on our gear to save the forums;

>look armor
This platemail bears the hallmarks of dwarven armorsmiths, the natural blue-grey lustre of the vultite is streaked with veins of bright silver like seams of ore through granite. Either through adept dwarven hand or divine intervention the veins of silver foregather upon the armor's breastplate forming the outline of a blacksmith's anvil. Tenuous motes of golvern have been expertly worked into the armor at this nexus resulting in a warm golden lambency around the anvil's silhouette. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the armor. Glowing runes surround the armor slowly encircling it as you focus on them a disembodied female voice echoes through your mind "Starbucks makes great coffee"

All jokes aside if youre going to reduce my services by removing the forums I want a reduction in premiums since all services I signed up for are no longer being provided.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/12/2022 10:29 AM CST
Actually, re-read your TAC/TOS.

You signed up for the game. Period.

The fact that they happen--out of the goodness of their hearts--to offer the Forums as also being available, is just a nice benefit.

Enjoy the game. That's what you're paying for. No mas.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/12/2022 01:45 PM CST
Or maybe we could raise enough money to GO FUND THEM enough to buy a VBulletin/whatever message board license...

ESP TUNE TOWNCRIER or ;tune towncrier
Daily Email:

Send in news:

P.S. Help Wanted, Inquire Within
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/12/2022 05:00 PM CST
>Or maybe we could raise enough money to GO FUND THEM enough to buy a VBulletin/whatever message board license...

After money is raised we'll ask when the new forums are coming and we'll get the response:

Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/13/2022 12:55 PM CST
I highly doubt running the forums is expensive at all. Just like renting space on a server for this nearly entirely text game is probably insignificant.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/13/2022 03:26 PM CST
Hey everyone, I knew when I posted this it would be an unpopular announcement. It's one of those tasks I'm not thrilled with having to do. But to put it all bluntly, our website needs a lot of work. We have hired on a web developer to tackle a lot of these tasks. After meeting about everything, it was decided that the forums are just too poorly implemented to work with. The traffic on the forums has been at an all time low. Participation from both players and staff can be stagnant in many areas. Posts expire, permanently. They lack so many modern features that would make them better, but the way they were created, it would be a monumental task to complete. Reskinning them is not an option. There are also issues outside just what I'm explaining that I can't get into.

I'd also like to clear up the misunderstanding that Discord is replacing the forums. This isn't the case. Discord serves a purpose for real time chatter, but would not be a replacement to the forums. Our current plan is to make sure pertinent information goes on the wiki. With the forum traffic low and the information spread in various areas, we feel we aren't being as effective as we could be with communication. We're a smaller game, it doesn't make sense to have things on the wiki, forums, front page of, Discord, in-game, and on social media. I think we do a good job currently with utilizing everything, but I also don't think it's a very good use of time to fragment everything everywhere.

I completely understand that the loss of the forums will remove the ability for threaded discussions. We are still trying to solve this issue, as staff is also losing this resource. As a player, the forums were a very big part of my experience with the game. I was one of those people that would have paid a smaller subscription fee just for access to the forums while I took a break. I am equally as upset about it as many of you. But as the Product Manager overseeing GemStone IV, I understand that the forums are an issue in their current state and we don't have a lot of options. All I know is, we need to get moving on improving the website experience.

We're still working out all of the details of future avenues of communication and as soon as I have information to share with you all on that, I will.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/13/2022 04:46 PM CST
>With the forum traffic low and the information spread in various areas, we feel we aren't being as effective as we could be with communication. We're a smaller game, it doesn't make sense to have things on the wiki, forums, front page of, Discord, in-game, and on social media.

I think the majority of us understand the fairly obvious need to ditch these forums. I'm pretty amazed we made it to 2022 still running (decades-old?) custom-built forum software. It's clearly not cost-effective at this point.

But, I think your assessment that having any forum is "spreading our communication too thin", is a mistake. While the traffic is clearly low these days, I think a forum still provides a critically different form of interaction that is clearly a decent part of our community. And all these games really are is community, so dropping any aspect of that is a big risk, in my opinion.

I'm sure we could find cheap alternative forum software that could be run much more easily and still allow for account-authentication (like Discord) and would serve our needs well. (Possibly a change in forum policy, such as where announcements go also makes sense.) I think a proposal that still included an alternative forum option, at least for a way to provide player-to-player support and player-to-GM feedback, would be easier to swallow.

- Greminty
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/13/2022 05:46 PM CST
>But to put it all bluntly, our website needs a lot of work. We have hired on a web developer to tackle a lot of these tasks.

Does this mean our website will finally be getting some much needed TLC?

~Land Pirate Maylan~
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/13/2022 06:01 PM CST
>With the forum traffic low and the information spread in various areas, we feel we aren't being as effective as we could be with communication. We're a smaller game, it doesn't make sense to have things on the wiki, forums, front page of, Discord, in-game, and on social media. I think we do a good job currently with utilizing everything, but I also don't think it's a very good use of time to fragment everything everywhere.

These forums had higher traffic when they were the only place out of game to get answers. Compare the volume of traffic between GemStone and DragonRealms on these boards, year by year. When Discord didn't exist, there was lots here. Before the unofficials, there was a lot more.

I think Discord is great for some things but it seems the straw that broke the camel's back was making it an avenue for official communication. We had various chat rooms all throughout the 90s, when the player population was much greater, but I don't think we ever tried to use them for this. Announcements were relayed to the in-game news and to the forums, usually verbatim. I understand times change and the need to move away from the walled garden, but without a forum a chunk of "how the game is played" is going to be missing. And I understand Discord is great for getting questions answered quickly -- this is a reason it is so good. And, in this context, the reason it is bad.

I think it would be sensible to ask players to digest Discord announcements to other channels and having staff moderators correct them. This is less time-intensive than having staff trying to work in shifts trying to repost information. For example, players will post official announcements on the unofficials, but usually followed by their own blistering commentary and FTFYs. So this would be prone to issues we don't have now, but it would still work and be sustainable over time. Because announcements can come at any time, and the chat is continuous, having any one person trying to digest it is more than a full-time job. Even trying to digest a few hours of chat takes quite awhile, as some of us know.

All this goes the same for announcements made in one place. Instead of copy/pasting everywhere, I'd suggest taking a look at where the announcements are being made, and constrain it to one location that has a way to automatically relay the same info to the other channels. If they go do Discord first, then there should be a way to mark them as announcements and have a bot relay it somewhere else - RSS, Atom, maybe just a JSON file. News media sites have been doing this for a long time, and it works. Have a couple staff members moderate this periodically and release approved messages to social media, and the wiki and other sites grab the new data maybe once a day, copy into a new page for their own moderators to move to the appropriate location.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/14/2022 07:26 AM CST
There are so many modern, feature-rich forum software options out there. Vbulletin being the reigning king and my personal recommendation. You could even migrate content from the old forums to vbulletin with a little work.

I don't understand what the big deal is? Just add "New forums" and "content migration from old to new forums" as line-items to the new website project? If your web developer did not suggest this already i'd wonder about him/her.

Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/14/2022 09:29 AM CST
Thanks for the clarification, Wyrom. While Discord is good for fast real-time chat, it has a lack of permanence about it - which is not ideal for those trying to keep track of both changes to the game and to Elanthia's history. Also, yes, the existing forums are clunky, to say the least, plus the site could use some general modernizing/freshening up (https?).

Sothog's player
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/14/2022 02:10 PM CST
I agree that it all needs a lot of work. I'm glad to hear you've hired a web developer. If the person (or company) is worth being paid, they can help you setup any of a dozen Open Source products that provide forums and would be not just free, but low-maintenance...

- Andreas
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/14/2022 02:25 PM CST
However, they also need to tie into the Simutronics billing database, because currently in order to post you have to have an account. (Or at least, that's the way it is supposed to be...)
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/15/2022 09:33 AM CST

>>However, they also need to tie into the Simutronics billing database, because currently in order to post you have to have an account. (Or at least, that's the way it is supposed to be...) appears to leverage our sign-in process.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/16/2022 08:18 PM CST
>However, they also need to tie into the Simutronics billing database, because currently in order to post you have to have an account. (Or at least, that's the way it is supposed to be...)

Or just do something similar to what Discord does. There are plenty of ways it doesn't need to directly touch the billing database (and shouldn't).
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/21/2022 03:12 AM CST

You, I trust. Please just make sure that, while the boards are still around, announcements are being shared? I can name a few that have been in the Discord mechanics channel that haven't been mirrored here. If the boards are still around, then those of us who patently ignore Discord should have the boards as a backup.

Re: Shutting Down the Forums 01/21/2022 08:21 AM CST
You, I trust. Please just make sure that, while the boards are still around, announcements are being shared? I can name a few that have been in the Discord mechanics channel that haven't been mirrored here. If the boards are still around, then those of us who patently ignore Discord should have the boards as a backup.

Yeah this is an ongoing problem. It's why I do keep trying to dip my toe back into Discord. I don't last long but I keep trying off an on. I'm currently not using it because there is so many aspects about using Discord that I just flat out can't stand. It brings to fore a lot of the worst aspects of social interaction. (sigh)

Once the forums go down really hope that the Wiki will get updated and I guess I'll have to follow GS on Twitter or something (which I seldom use either) just to be aware of news announcements. Maybe the calendar will improve, its felt spotty to me for years before and doesn't look much better now.

Re: Shutting Down the Forums 03/25/2022 03:51 AM CDT
>>Yeah this is an ongoing problem. It's why I do keep trying to dip my toe back into Discord. I don't last long but I keep trying off an on. I'm currently not using it because there is so many aspects about using Discord that I just flat out can't stand. It brings to fore a lot of the worst aspects of social interaction. (sigh)

>>Once the forums go down really hope that the Wiki will get updated and I guess I'll have to follow GS on Twitter or something (which I seldom use either) just to be aware of news announcements. Maybe the calendar will improve, its felt spotty to me for years before and doesn't look much better now.

I can't stand Discord, honestly. And there are still announcements (such as the recent downtime) that weren't posted here, but was posted on Discord.

Hopefully if they retire THESE message boards, they'll find another message board solution so that those of us who can't stand Discord can still get game information in a timely manner.

Forcing everyone to use Discord isn't a good idea, in my opinion.

But that's just me.
Re: Shutting Down the Forums 04/03/2022 04:31 PM CDT
I agree. Discord is exactly that. A place that brings discord.
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