Discord Authorization 03/22/2021 12:25 PM CDT
The official GemStone IV Discord server now requires authorization to access most channels. To do so, please use the DISCORD verb from within the game.

A few notes:

* Only Premium subscribers can access #premium.
* Only Platinum subscribers can access #platinum and must run the DISCORD verb from the Platinum instance to get setup.
* Only Shattered subscribers can access #shattered and must run the DISCORD verb from the Shattered instance to get setup.
* All users, even those who haven't authorized yet, can access the #general, #help, and #off-topic channels.
* You can always update your Server Nickname by just running the DISCORD SETUP command again (on a different character on the same account or by switching between CHARACTER and ACCOUNT).

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Help for Players, Official Website, Wiki, and Forums. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
